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Some teachings say that man's will is neutral--that it is free to choose to be saved or choose not to be saved. The flip side of this is the teachings of Calvinism, saying that people have nothing to do with being saved--that they are predestined to go to either heaven or hell, that it is totally God's choice. He is the one who chose before the foundation of the world who would be saved and go to heaven and who would be lost to an everlasting hell. That belief system maintains that no one can change their predetermined fate, not even the most loving, self-sacrificing person in the world. It matters not if they are as pure as driven snow, if they have not been chosen by God to be saved, they will burn in hell throughout eternity.

Believe this if you will; but if that is what is in your heart and mind, in my very sincere opinion you are in dire need of help, and I truly feel for you as I present this cause before the throne of grace. Moreover, if this is really you, I pray that you are not part of the eighty percent of the people who will not change regardless of the undeniable facts presented. Such a stance and hardened refusal to change could be due to being Hardwired To Lie (rf. Publication #224.10, free upon request, or online at ). If, however, you are among the twenty percent who are able to forsake and change lifelong beliefs, I am sure that you will find a sweet release from the chains of (2)John Calvin's disparaging doctrine. (Page no longer found)

Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. For I believe whole heartedly that it was in God's immutable plan not only for Jesus to die a horrible death, but also for man to take the course he is upon. If we really believe that God made man like he is, and then condemns him for being what God made him, as Calvinism teaches, perhaps we should curse God and die. For such a God as this would be a monster par excellence. But rather than God making man evil: "Truly, this only I have found: that God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes" Ecclesiastes 7:29.

The non-Jewish, non-Christian world is looking upon the actions of Western Jews and Christians and are absolutely astounded by what they are witnessing. Surely Mahatma Gandhi's statement applies more today than ever before:

“If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian.”

Think about it. We say on one hand that God is love and wants us to forgive fully and be at peace even with our enemies, but on the other hand he will eternally torment most of mankind (his enemies), who didn't do the right thing to “get saved.” Of course, the “right thing” varies from denomination to denomination and even from pastor to pastor within a denomination. These terrorists love to misquote, “Broad is the way that leads to destruction and narrow is the way that leads to life.” These terrorists use verses like this to mean very few human beings will be saved when it is all said and done. Some of these devilish tormentors are even more sadistic. Not only are there scarcely any which will be saved, but according to them (Calvinists), most of mankind was purposed by God for the eternal barbeque pit. And there is nothing they can do to change that. Terrorists like Jonathan Edwards, whose famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” actually made the history books, caused compassion-filled listeners to go home and hang themselves after hearing Edwards dangle them over eternal flames during his sermons. Many denominations of Christianity embrace this “Reformed” teaching of double-predestination. Some of the most famous Christian theologians like John Calvin, D. James Kennedy, A.W. Pink., Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield taught this terrorizing doctrine.

"There are babies a span long in hell." John Calvin

"How comes it to pass that the fall of Adam, without remedy, should involve so many nations, with their infant children, in eternal death, but because of the will of God? It is a horrible decree, I confess!" - Calvin's Institutes, Book iiI, c. 23, 7.