Publication #55

(Part 3)


Typically speaking, ancient Samaria, which was the northern ten tribes of Israel, represents today's church very well. The name itself means to GUARD. The capitol city (also called Samaria) was built upon a constructed mound of earth. Modern religion likewise guards her kingdom from the top of a manmade mound of earth. Her foundation and primes of existence have come from the crust of Adam's earthliness: religious creeds and ordinances, soulish sermons, flowering rituals void of life, endless programs, systematic procedures, and countless other things that serve only to appease the flesh while doing nothing for the Spirit. It pleases man but certainly not God. Upon this self-elevated hill of grandeur, modern Samaria has lost not only her dignity and honorable name, but most of all, her source of Life. She no longer has a steady flow of the rich Word of God. Due to her adulterous love affair with the idols of her own making, she is now compassed about. Her access to Life has been cut off, and this has been by the very spirit of the world (Syria) she has been romancing for so long. Due to infidelity her diet has taken on a drastic change. She has been reduced to eating asses's heads (man's stubbornness and carnal wisdom), doves' dung (the residue after the dove, the Holy Spirit, has flown away), and babies (making her proselytes two-fold more the children of hell than herself). Remarkably, in her carnal state of mind she marks anyone who is not like herself as being diseased and to be avoided at all cost, especially those walking in the righteousness of Christ. For instance, the elect of God have been mistaken as having leprosy for quite some time. This is primarily because they do not have their complexion, that of the redman, i.e. the human race of Adam (he who shows redness in the face, Heb.). Adam is the only creature who has ever had the ability to blush. Sons of Adam show redness, the sons of God do not, and neither do "lepers".

There were FOUR LEPERS sitting at the gate of Samaria with the wind of the Spirit blowing through their hair, hair as white as snow with the wisdom of God. Their skin was glistening with the whiteness of the righteousness of Christ. And their eyes blazing red, not with the disease of sin in their blood, but radiating life and remedial judgment to the groaning creation. These unlikely FOUR rejects were chosen of God, and they rose in the twilight. There was no great vision of what this new day might bring to them, but they knew one of two things would be their portion. They would either die or their diet would change!

As they began to move, God's might to the FOURTH POWER exploded with devastating effects. Like the blast of a nuclear bomb, God's unseen army went forth. To the leper's own surprise, when their destination was reached, they found no man there. Not one Syrian was left in the camp, it was wiped clean; for the traducer of the mind had heard the host of a mighty army and fled in the twilight. The imperishable riches of the kingdom alone remained. The enemy of God's people (anything that obstructs true liberty and fortune) had been neutralized — the first step in judgment and setting creation free.

"And they rose up in the twilight, to go unto the camp of the Syrians: and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was no man there.... And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, they went into one tent, and did eat and drink..." (II Kings 7:5,8).

Those called to Sonship (antitypes of the lepers), when they first arose and left the gates of modern Samaria, neither did they find an enemy; but they found Life upon leaving the religious stagnation of death. If they had a authentic call to Life, they were not subdued by the Syrian powers within or without, powers they were told they would fall prey to. It was part of their indoctrination to believe that without the protection of their "church" that the enemy would quickly destroy them, but the "lepers" encountered no such foe. They did not succumb to the lure of the world, but in their new venture of life, liberty was found. It wasn't liberty in the flesh, for they were freed from that corruptible bondage. What they found instead was the liberty of Life in Christ Jesus.

Those who sought Life and left modern Samaria, have not been unlike the four lepers who went into first one tent and then another eating life's choice foods. They began to receive rich revelation upon revelation. In this, they have partaken of the pure, rich Word of God and drank the undiluted Wine of His Spirit. The food and drink have strengthened them greatly, and their new walk has brought them not only to a change of diet but to things beyond; to silver and gold — the substance of experiential redemption and the very nature of God Himself.

These poor lepers, as it would be with most starving people, had been without anything of substantial value for so long that it has been common practice for them to hide those priceless riches, not as those in the parable Jesus related who then lost them, but only for a season: "...They went into one tent, and did eat and drink, and carried thence silver, and gold, and raiment, and went and hid it; and came again, and entered into another tent, and carried thence also, and went and hid it" (II Kings 7:8). This is what the Sons have been doing over the past years. They have been keeping the treasures of the Kingdom to themselves. We have had in application that often quoted, and boastful cliche, "Us FOUR and no more!" But like a pregnant woman, there is a day when they can no longer keep hidden that which they possess. They will want the whole world to be blessed of their good fortune of the Son, regardless of how they were previously treated: "...They said one to another, We do not well: this day is a day of good therefore come, that we may go and tell the king's household" (II Kings 7:9).

A large number of the elect, the misjudged outcasts of Samaria, have had the prize of the high calling tucked away in their hearts for so long that they sometimes wonder if what they once held is truly theirs to share, but they will, in due season. When the hour comes they will bring forth the evidence of their lives in Christ, long forgotten perhaps, but very real just the same.

Try as some may, however, they will not be able to give anyone anything before the time. There must first be a rising and a possessing of the riches of the Kingdom in order to give it. Many are claiming to have possession of it already, but their assertions die out year after year when they fail to produce a resurrecting Word. Most are lacking the Life-giving Spirit and are destitute of the power of redemption. In essence, they are generally void of God's substance. Some may minister a word of encouragement, to a degree, or cause "goose-bumps" to race about, but where is their Life? We wonder if they have ever truly heard the call to Sonship.

These bereft preachers are not short on words or presumptuous forecasts, even though the Spirit of Life is seldom present and their predictions never come. Regardless of how badly people want to be on the cutting edge of God's great work in creation's deliverance — they only beat the air, as it were, in all their futile efforts to save the world with the wind of fruitless words.

Brethren, if you think this is the hour for a great move of God to break forth to the restoration of the church and the salvation of the world, think again. If this is the time for the manifestation of the Sons of God, why did the presidential election turn out the way it did? Do you think deliverance will come before the altar is purged and judgment has worked its purpose? The church (and this nation) has yet to reap the harvest sown for so many years. How can she partake of the blessings of God's bountiful Kingdom riches when her soul is polluted to the core. She cannot enter into the Holy place of His temple, much less the Holy of holies, not even by presumptuous faith. This cannot be until the fire of the outer court's altar has dealt prudently with her. If the Church was handed the blessings of God's power and authority without first being salted with fire, she would be more dangerous than a three year old child with a hand-grenade, not to mention how she would desecrate the majesty of the Most High.

"So they came and called unto the porter of the city: and they told them, saying, We came to the camp of the Syrians, and, behold, there was no man there, neither voice of man, but horses tied, and asses tied, and the tents as they were. And he called the porters; and they told it to the king's house within. And the king arose in the night...." (II Kings 7:10-12).

How do you suppose four leprous outcasts were able to get the porter's attention long enough to even listen to their report — especially for their word to go all the way to the ear of the king? EVIDENCE, my dear friend! EVIDENCE! They possessed more than a mouthful of words. They brought with them the treasures of the Kingdom! They held in their hands everything the carnal mind of Syria had robbed God's people of.

You can see it now, if you have an eye to see deeper than surface dust. Their white beards of wisdom were dripping with potatoes, gravy, enchiladas, and sweet honey of the Spirit. Their pockets were stuffed with fried chicken, corn-on-the-cob, T-bone steak, and steaming tamales. In a nut shell, there was EVIDENCE! Evidence that they had not only been eating the rich, life-giving WORD OF GOD, but they had brought samples with them.

Around their necks hung chains of silver and gold. Their once repulsive fingers wore signet rings of authority, lifted unashamed toward Samaria's throne. With dignity, they wore beautiful garments of righteousness. These four lepers of deliverance possessed the EVIDENCE of experiential Redemption (Silver). Their redemption was more than an event at Calvary, they were living the experience of it. They also had God's nature (chains of Gold) about their very being. What they had was not doctrines without the Spirit, but the very life of God in Christ Jesus Himself. Gem studded bracelets wrapped their bare wrists. No longer were they covered to hide their mistaken worthlessness. Within their service to humanity were all twelve jewels of His character and radiant attributes — the same ones of which the foundation of the temple is built.

Even in the face of such reality, when the banished lepers returned with the substance of healing about their bodies and power in their hands, the king of that city could not believe deliverance could come by what was considered the offscouring of the world. He immediately spoke against what he had heard and attempted to disarm the report, saying, "I will now show you what the Syrians have done to us. They know that we be hungry; therefore are they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, When they come out of the city, we shall catch them alive, and get into the city" (II Kings 7:12).

You can count on the same thing happening at the end of this present siege. By listening closely, you can already hear the skeptical leaders of modern Samaria denouncing what they hear from the Sons: "Come on people — do you really believe such a report, and do you think for a moment that such wonderful things as this could be coming from the sons of darkness, the very refuse of society? Sure, it appears as if they have something, but don't believe it, for this is a trick of the devil. As your pastor, let me tell you, Satan is their father, and in order to win your souls he has given the lepers these marvelous things with which to fool you. Trust me," they convincingly warn, "as soon as you follow those leprous scabs, the hoards of hell will sweep down on you like a plague of locusts in the heat of a dry summer's drought. Now listen earnestly, saints," they continue on with utmost seriousness. "If you forsake us and our beliefs, you will also miss the blessed hope — `the rapture' — and rather than being whisked away to heaven you will be left behind and have to endure the great tribulation. And that is not all, my dear gullible children — afterwards you will be cast into the eternal flames of hell where there is no escape. Think about it before you go running off to the fearful unknown where the devil awaits with luring eyes and dripping talons of death...."

Disparaging remarks and threats of doom work for a season, but like the king of Samaria, the church leaders will be challenged; and due to the hard conditions of that system's religious existence, they will no longer be so convincing and have no choice but to finally heed some good advice: "One of his servants said, Let some men take five of the remaining horses; [if they are caught and killed] they will be no worse off than all the multitude of Israel left in the city to be consumed. Let us send and see" (Kings 7:13, Amplified). "They took therefore two chariot horses; and the king sent after the host of the Syrians, saying, Go and see. And they went after them unto Jordan: and, lo, all the way was full of garments and vessels, which the Syrians had cast away in their haste. And the messengers returned, and told the king. And the people went out, and spoiled the tents of the Syrians. So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, according to the word of the LORD" (II Kings 14-16).

At the end of this day of terrible famine, a famine of hearing the Word of God, the lords of the church system will send out scouts clear to Jordan (the river of death). Since they will finally begin to see that nothing of their own making, not even the rapture, is their way of escape, they will this time not be so naive but will make sure of their deliverance. They will also examine and see just how far their salvation goes — which will be all the way to the victory over death! Every step of the way unto victory will be seen the garments of royalty, of righteousness, of beauty and warmth and protection. On that path of Salvation will be found all the vessels and instruments of Kingdom glory and honor. Every vessel, tool, and device necessary for a whole, complete life in Christ will be there for the taking; and the spies shall return as witnesses to the same gospel that Jesus Himself preached. In other words, they will confirm that the evidence and word of the LEPERS, that the substance those scorned SONS OF GOD had taken hold of, is not a lie but is truly THE GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM!

Prior to that day the Word of the LORD will be very precious, very costly, very rare, even as it is today, but more so. Everyone, including the lepers, will be absolutely amazed at the fine riches of Life to be had. But the real astonishment will come in realizing everything had always been there, right at their finger tips; but the carnality of their traduced minds besieged them about and prevented them from apprehending such wonderful things. What embarrassment will come when they see that the product of their own minds not only supplied them with every idol imaginable, but it was the very enemy which cut off their rich supply of hearing the Living Word. They will see that the Kingdom of God and all things pertaining to it was within grasp, but in their Adamic, red-faced, carnal state of being, they were oblivious to it as they bowed before lifeless doctrines, rituals, ceremonies, and endless programs. There comes an end, however, to such dead maneuvers of religion; for that which had been supplying them (Syria, the carnal mind) with those soul-tickling antics is the very thing that has come and compassed them so severely that any source of Life flowing has been cut off. And also, as it was in Samaria, the starvation will become so acute that once the lepers return with a sample of Christ, nothing of that old stronghold can keep them back:

"And the king appointed the lord on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate: and the people trode upon him in the gate, and he died, as the man of God had said, who spake when the king came down to him.

And it came to pass as the man of God had spoken to the king, saying, Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel, shall be tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria:

And that lord answered the man of God, and said, Now, behold, if the LORD should make windows in heaven, might such a thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.

And so it fell out unto him: for the people trode upon him in the gate, and he died" (II Kings 7:17-20).

Brethren, let the above four verses be a solemn warning to the keepers of the gate — that you preachers, priests, teachers, elders, deacons, and all others of religious influence — be careful how you guard the gate of what you deem as truth. It could be that you are imprisoning the people behind Samaritan walls of Syrian induced idolatrous imaginations. It is very possible, and most likely, that those people you have marked as leprous heretics, and refuse entry to your city, are the very ones from which deliverance will come. Exercise utmost care, you keepers of the gate; for if you are they who stand in the way and keep those behind the lying walls of lifeless religion from hearing the truth, you are in a serious place. When deliverance comes, those supposed lepers you have cast out, and the people you have kept from the truth will inherit the Kingdom of God — but you won't! In their rush to Life, they will run you over with such a revelation of truth that you will be trampled under foot and left with nothing. You will remain in the deserted, dead city of Samaria, lifeless behind empty walls of your religious creeds, idiotic ordinances, and anemic practices. Continue in your idolatrous assemblies of death and you will cease to be when your congregations flood the way of Truth. If you refuse the Truth and those who possess it, you may as well go ahead and begin the grinding of your teeth today, for when you see what you have missed, you will grind them then with bitter tears and great sorrow. The best advice you can receive is this: when you see those you have guarded against, the lowly lepers of Samaria, possessing and manifesting the riches of God's Kingdom — swing wide the gates of your city and race quickly to their same source of Life. Don't go to your king (your priest, pastor, denomination elders, or any other head of your religious city) to see if it is all right. Don't you know what fine garments, gold, silver, and food are? Well, when you see those who own them, find out where they were acquired and go there too. If you wait around and stand in the gate, you will be history, dear keepers of the gate, and you will miss out on the riches of the Kingdom of God on the earth (not in the sky but on the earth). It is a serious matter, so stop standing in the gap and playing around with the sacred things of God and let His people go, or lose everything.

This is the day that modern Samaria (the church at large) has been besieged by Syria (the carnal mind), and it is due to her idol worship (given to imaginations). She has been relegated to eating asses' heads (man's knowledge). Doves' dung (yesteryear's revelations void of the Spirit) is spread in abundance upon her table. And babies fill their pots to sate their miserable cravings (making proselytes two-fold more the children of hell than themselves).

She has become fat upon what the carnal mind could give her, and it has been mixed with the holy things of God. She has had the best of both worlds, but the world of Syria will eventually fail her and become her worst enemy — cutting off the supply of anything pertaining to Christ, anything that has any substance at all. We can no doubt expect these next few years to be unprecedented in the realms of carnality and mass starvation of hearing the Word of God. To this day there has been somewhat of a remnant of life in the church system, that is what has kept it alive, but do not count on it remaining. And please, don't confuse your emotional song services (strange fire) and spine-tingling sermons (carnal wit) as being Life. They don't come close!

Once the besiegement has worked its purpose in the Church of Samaria, as well as in this nation (and others), deliverance can then come, but not the way many may have supposed. No president will be the solution to the pollution, and the so called rapture will fail to come this year, next year, and the next, and the next, and again the next. When every false hope and tried avenue has failed and the starvation of true values thoroughly sets in, THE FOUR LEPERS (THE SONS OF GOD) will hear the trumpets of Salvation sounding. They will go forth as the traducer of the carnal mind is dispelled. For all practical purposes, the Syrian devil will be dead to the Lepers, but not to Samaria. This infamous foe will remain very much alive (in their fearful minds) until the Sons return with gravy on their beards, if you please, declaring like Jesus, "THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND." Even in the face of starvation, the gatekeepers will still stand in the way, but only to be trampled underfoot of those who refuse to be imprisoned any longer. It will be as the man of God had prophesied. — So get ready!

Elwin R. Roach




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