The Message of the Kingdom, the Message of Perfection
The Message of the Kingdom, the Message of Perfection, will set you free if you can accept it, and if you don’t, you will be tormented by it. It is the fullness of Jesus Christ here and now. There is a difference between just hearing the message, and possessing the message, which is total victory and entering the “Promised Land ~ Christ Jesus.” Most have only heard the message of salvation, not the “Message of the Kingdom.” The Message teaches you can overcome everything, here and now, including victory over death. The people who are in bondage to religious orders (the mystery of iniquity), and have had enough truth to follow God, are the most tormented people in the world. Also, some are in bondage, but not in torment, and that is because they have not heard the truth. Once you hear the truth you can’t get away from it. They are tormented because they can’t find where to hear the total truth. Forever reaching for something they can’t find in the world's organized system of religions.
The entire Bible is one book. Everything that happened in the Old Testament is either a shadow or a prophecy of things to come in reality of the spirit realm. It’s a living book because it is God, and everything is contained in God, and it must be discerned spiritually because “God is a spirit.” Man’s attempt to discern the Bible with a literal translation is why we have always had such confusion and discord in the church system. There is no agreement. Continually, the whole Bible is for the purpose of revealing Christ’s personality to us, in us, and through us, and it cannot be broken, and again, must be discerned spiritually, but as God thinks, not through man’s intellect. The problem is not man’s ability to think, but from what man thinks, which keeps him from being totally delivered. The devil has caused the church to be ignorant out of its own desires, and out of selfishness, instead of wanting God’s power and revelation truth, and to understand what’s going on in the spirit realm. We’ve made a storybook out of the Bible. The church system hasn’t made the Bible God, only a storybook. It is the reality of God that is going to set the world free from their bondages.
In God’s eyes, mankind is divided into two nations. 1) Freewoman - who are the children of the New Jerusalem who are led by the spirit (Sarah) 2) Bondswoman - are those who are dictated to by the laws of religious order (Hagar) This is why a new birth is needed, to translate us from the Bondswoman genetic structure to the Freewoman. Freewomen, or “Believers,” are divided into three categories. First, they are called or invited. Second, they are chosen, picked or selected. And third, they are the predestinated or the faithful, God’s favorites (Levites).
There are three levels of a relationship that you have with God that correspond to these three categories. First you are saved and have the relationship of a servant. Servants are always busy working for God and for others, and at the end of the day they go to their own home. Second, is a friend, who shares dreams and desires, and even sits at the table and dines, and again, goes home at the end of the evening. A friend may spend the night on occasion, or go places and enjoy doing things together, but still goes back to his or her own home eventually. This relationship corresponds to being chosen, picked or selected. Third is a son or daughter, heirs to the family wealth, authority, and power, and goes about the family business. This is the predestinated or faithful, the favorites, those that manifest the Fullness of Christ, His perfection. In John 3 when Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus He clearly states that you must be born again to see the kingdom of God (verse 3), and that you must be born of the water and the spirit to enter into the kingdom of God (verse 5). These two levels of relationship correspond to being the friend by seeing the Kingdom of God, as a believer, and second, being a son or daughter, by entering into the kingdom, entering into Christ and His fullness which is the “Promised Land,” this is being a Christian. To be a “Christian” means to be Christ like. Salvation is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, entering into you when you accept Him as your Lord and Savior. You witness to His presence in your spirit, and have fellowship with the Lord in the spirit. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an overflowing of, being totally immersed or saturated in, the Holy Spirit. The “Fullness of Christ” is, possessing total truth; however, you can’t have His body until you have His mind. “Let this mind be in you.” You stepping, entering, into Christ, into the Kingdom, the power and ruling authority of God is when you have His body. God’s perfect will, His pleasure, is for you to be transformed to the image of His Son so that when you walk down the street, Jesus walks down the street. That the “Fullness of Christ,” “Total Truth,” be manifested in you, His love, compassion, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and out of all that can come forth the “Power of Christ” to bring healing and deliverance to those who are bound. Jesus’ flesh can put you in bondage as much as your family can. His flesh was rent in twain, (torn in two) to deliver us from flesh bondage of His one flesh body into the spirit realm of liberty. Now His flesh is in two pieces, male and female. The reason we have flesh is so we can repent (change of mind). To walk after the flesh is to give place to an opinion. When you choose, you become your choice.
Then we come to Born versus Begotten. When you were born the spirits of infirmity were in the seeds of your parents, they were programmed in the genes. When you are begotten there is total reproduction of your flesh by God. He takes out of you the old programs and delivers you from those spirits. You are a musical instrument that is out of tune and God is re-tuning you. All you need to do is believe trust. Jesus is the “first begotten” Son of God.
“Baptism” is to immerse in an element (any element) to a complete saturation; one can be immersed in a transformed mind as well as in water. The Greek word “metanoia” is translated “repentance.” Water baptism symbolizes a cleansing process, and letting go of error. It is the first step in the realization of Truth. It indicates a letting go attitude of thought and denial. Spiritual baptism is positive, a taking on, an affirmation. All growth takes place through these two attitudes, “letting go and talking on a positive affirmation.” First we let go of old material concepts; we cannot get into a new consciousness until we let go of the old. Before a priest could go into the Tabernacle he first had to be washed with the water, then a crown set on his head, and the miter; then Moses poured the oil (anointing) on him. In the River of Jordon, Jesus is our High Priest, and had to follow the law to the jot and tittle; washed first before he was anointed, after the custom of the law, not the custom of the Kingdom. Jesus said to “suffer it to be so” to fulfill all righteousness and the Law of God. He was washed (baptized) in the perfect order as the priests, and then the anointing came. God is leading us into a complete spiritual understanding of what baptism is. We cannot receive the anointing until we are washed in the water, immersed and cleansed in the Word. This is before entering the Tabernacle, entering into Christ.
The motive behind the crucifixion is that the religious system wanted Jesus killed because of His power. God the Son, by the will of God the Father, had become subject to put on flesh until the day Jesus hung on the cross. The personality of the Father had dwelled in Jesus. The day of the crucifixion the expressive personality of the Father, which Jesus felt, departed from Him, who was now being expressed as a son, dying a sinner. The earth went dark (the light of God went out). Jesus died the death of a sinner without God. This was so we don’t have to die the death of a sinner, which was necessary for our perfection. You can have God in the respect that you will not spiritually, eternally die, but you can still die in the flesh, as a sinner. Not saying “you are a sinner,” I'm saying “As.” As a sinner we can die with cancers. We do not have to die with sickness or disease, or poverty. We do not have to die. Sickness was nailed to the cross and died with Jesus. He delivered us from the curse, not to be in us, but left it at the cross. Preachers don’t leave it all on the cross, instead they preach, “one of these days” and give the sicknesses back to us. New Holy God is absolute good, Jesus Christ, the only way to re-unite God with man, to become one again, is through Christ. “The New Order.” Medically, when Jesus died he died of a broken heart. His heart increased its pulse rate until it erupted; it exploded within the pericardium because of His position. Then enormous amounts of water can be extracted or discharged from the blood stream. When a person dies of a heart rupture and the heart explodes, then the blood collects on the wall of the pericardium, and after a few hours divides into a watery serum and a bloody clot. That was when the Roman soldier’s spear went into Jesus’ side so the water could come out of His side. Also, Jesus was naked on the cross, which is part of the humiliation of being crucified (Rom 22:17-18).
The number one cause of aging is worry. You don’t get old; you get bound. You get old because you think it and believe in it, just as you think and believe in death. It took 930 years for Adam and 969 years for Methuselah, for sin to break down the cell structure of their physical bodies. They were “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh” and the perfection that was created in their bodies by God’s breath fought off sin and death. Medical Science today, states that Genes linked to depression determine shyness, cause arthritis, diabetes and incurable diseases. This leads to the subject of “time,” which is the opposite of God who is “eternity.” God is not governed by time. The thing that demands time is death. When we are delivered from time it will alleviate us from aging. Time is what makes us worry and get old. When you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, your spirit, eternity is then within you, however, when you step into Christ, then you step into eternity, and you don’t have to die. Eternity is here right now, not somewhere off in the future. It's how you think, either like God with the “Mind of Christ,” or like the world.
“Death” is a law (Romans 8), and “Life” is a law in Christ. Death is a covenant (Isaiah 28:18) “that shall be disannulled.” Death is separation from God’s life and love in the flesh, and then in the spirit when man is no longer in the flesh without Christ. There is no physical brain that can command the cells to not die; only the spirit can do that. Man dies because he is not told that the flesh of Jesus is ours. The system teaches his flesh is coming back, consequently preventing man from manifesting the Fullness of Christ in their life now. Man dies instead; he gets evicted. The body forces man out with sickness or disease. Jesus conquered and destroyed death and rendered it totally helpless for those who have the faith to believe it, yet death exists. You can choose to move out of the body, which would only render the body inactive. You don’t have to die sick or in a car wreck to step into glory. God can tell you and you can call in your family to tell them you are going to make the transition (supernatural omnipotence). Death is a giant to defeat in your mind. Death is when a working of death works in you. Death is not used in the NT regarding Christians, only the word “sleep,” “we shall not all sleep.”
The words “transformed” and “transfigured” are the same Greek word which means, “a metamorphosis, to change, to modify, to change the nature, function or condition of, to change the appearance or shape of, to change so as to glorify, exalt.” It does not indicate going anywhere, just changing. A transformer is a device used to transfer electric energy from one circuit to another. Romans 12:2 says to “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…” and radiate with the light and glory of God. In relation to Satan, and his ministers, the Greek word used means to “transfigure or transform oneself, to disguise” (2 Cor. 14, 15). “Disguise” is not included in the meaning for the words used to describe the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, or His Church.
The word “Rapture” is never used the Bible; this term is man’s description of Jesus coming back to take us out of here. Scriptures used for the Rapture are strictly supposition, what man has supposed and concocted for himself, and taken out of context, having no idea what God is saying spiritually. Eternal life doesn’t begin somewhere off in the future, eternal life can begin here and now. And with eternal life the conquering of death comes, and not just healing, but “divine health.” It’s one thing to have Jesus living in you as you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, but it’s another thing altogether to step into Him. That is where our victory is. Why do you think so many “Christians” are sick and dying? The preachers have been preaching that everything is someday in the future, “when you get to heaven” or the “rapture,” when God comes and takes you away from here and makes it all better. Heaven is, “an elevation, a high place as a mountain, rising from the plane,” not a physical location or the Holy City. There are principalities, rulers, and powers in the high places; different levels of elevations. The first heaven, the “Heaven of the Father,” was contained in the Tabernacle in the wilderness, God’s dwelling place, external to man and housed in a physical structure, which man’s carnal intellect had no problem with. The second heaven is the “Heaven of the Son,” the glory of God in the physical body of Jesus. Most of the church world is caught up in the second heaven with the historical Jesus, and waiting for His flesh body to return, or to see Him after their physical death. The third heaven is the “Heaven of the Holy Spirit,” an army of messiahs (Sons), each one containing the fullness of the Godhead. Not the gospel of salvation, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom Message, is His fullness (heaven) here and now, not in the by-and-by. We can be transformed, transfigured, and radiate with the light and glory of God now. Man is afraid to conquer death and declare his power over it. Man sees it as a giant. Man does die, and it’s because he is not told that the flesh of Jesus is ours here and now. The system teaches His flesh is coming back, consequently preventing man from manifesting the Fullness of Christ in their lives now. Man dies instead. Jesus conquered and destroyed (brought to nothing) death and rendered it totally helpless for those who have the faith, or trust, to believe it, yet death exists. Why, because man believes in it; it's where man’s faith is. Man believes he has to die, and for that reason, to him, the death and the resurrection are in vain. The answer is the renewing of your mind, to learn and begin to think like God thinks. Our healing comes from the stripes on Jesus’ back, and His death was necessary for our healing, to complete it, otherwise the stripes would be totally ineffective. He died and rose to conquer and destroy death and the preachers keep giving it back to us. Resurrection is a person, not an event. Jesus said, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.” We are to be alive IN Christ. The first resurrection (Romans 8:11), delivered from Adam (curse of the law, mortality) and made alive to immortality by the Spirit of Christ “that dwelleth in you.” Resurrection is the lifting up of the ‘whole man’ into Christ consciousness. The first resurrection is seeing the kingdom (John 3:3), and “the second death hath no power” (Rev. 20:6). The second resurrection is (John 3:5), when you enter into the kingdom, enter into Christ, total perfection down to our cell structure, our DNA, and rule and reign with Him (Rev. 20:6).
The root of our problem with terrorists is our pro-Israel foreign policy. This policy, in part, is supported by believers who misunderstand the Word of God, and are waiting for Jesus to physically return in one flesh body and set up shop in Jerusalem. As a result of their carnal theology, they have a sentimental attachment to Israel and cannot be objective when Israel does something wrong as in their treatment of Palestinians. It is fascinating how the carnal attachment to a certain geographic location, a "holy" site, a "sacred" tomb on the part of Christians, Jews and Moslems alike is responsible for so much suffering and death. It is also interesting how the belief in heaven as a place you go to after you die motivates Moslem suicide bombers who expect to be greeted by 70 virgins when they get to heaven as their reward for defending the faith and killing infidels. The screwed up theology of Christians, Moslems and Jews is responsible for all this mess! The creation desperately needs a people to rise up with the truth, manifesting the fullness of the power and authority of the Godhead, and restore the world.
Do you believe that we have been delivered from the curse of Adam? Adam's name in Hebrew refers to the blood. God raised up Adam from the earth element and he contained the divine life of God coursing through his veins. Death had no power over his body. When that which is called the fall happened, the seed of the serpent entered the genetics of Adam and the curse spoken by God was passed on from generation to generation. God wants to reconcile every atom and every molecule to Himself, in particular the DNA molecule which contains the blueprint of our physical beings. Do you remember the ladder or stairway that Jacob had revealed to him that he declared was the house of God? Guess what? God was giving him a revelation of the double helix DNA molecule, which is shaped like a spiral staircase. This revelation knowledge enabled Jacob years later to manipulate the genetics of Laban's cattle. Far out? Yes. But so is God. Paul keeps trying to pull us into the realm of the Spirit because it is through that heavenly fellowship that the new heavens and the new earth will be created in our re-gened physical bodies. This is the divine marriage of the Spirit and the body that results from a quickened spirit and an altered genetics. This metamorphosis is what the creation is groaning to see. What so many believers fail to understand is that the spirit of travail that the Father has placed within us, which is echoed in the groaning of the entire creation (Rom 8:22), is the desire to be fully delivered from the body of this death. Not by going the route of the cemetery, but by the transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis (all the same meaning) of our bodies into a body just like the one Jesus displayed after his resurrection. Paul wanted to be among those who do not sleep but who attain to the fullness of the resurrection in this realm as we put on our heavenly bodies (not invisible) to do the work God has set out for us. If Jesus could walk through walls, why can't we? More perplexing, if Philip can be transported by the Spirit to physically appear in one place and then instantly in another place, why can't we?
I close with two verses. First: I John 4: 2-3: “Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ IS come (present tense, not has come or will come) in the flesh is of God; and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ IS come in the flesh, is not of God, and this is that spirit of antichrist. Whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” He IS come in our flesh, in order to restore us to the place Adam had in Him in the beginning. Every organ, every tissue, our very cell structure, transformed, transfigured, into His image, to enter the Promised Land, to enter Christ, here and now.
Second: 2 Cor. 3:18: “But we all with open (unveiled) face beholding as in a glass (mirror) the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image (reflection) from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord.”
Love Eternal IN Christ, Darlene Luke
PO Box 1883 Bethany, OK 73008-1883