Case history of my mother's aortic aneurysm:

My 79 year old mother, a smoker for 50 years, has an inoperable aortic aneurysm due to it involving her renal arteries. It was detected about three years ago when it was approximately 4 centimeters in diameter (2cms are normal). Until 1999, there has been no cure for these aneurysms; moreover, with the weakening of the artery walls, they would continue growing until a rupture occurred, resulting in death within two or three minutes. In my mother's case, her surgeon had an ultrasound done every three months, just to keep an eye on it, even though nothing could be done to stop its growth. This would give her, and the doctor, some idea of when it might become fatal.

After hearing Dr. Barry Ramo reporting on the news about the antibiotic, Doxycycline, in the use of stopping the growth of aneurysms, I researched the matter and took the data to my mother's doctor, who had never heard of the treatment. Nevertheless, she put her on the antibiotic.

At the time she started taking the Doxycycline, her aneurysm measured 5.5 centimeters in diameter. The next ultrasound, six months later, the aneurysm was 4.9 centimeters. Her surgeon said he had never seen this happen in all his years of practice. She let six more months pass before having another ultrasound taken, which was November of 2001, and it is still 4.9 centimeters. The technician said that they never shrink, and she felt that whoever did the one and read it at 5.5 had made a mistake, which is possible, I suppose. Even so, since my mother has be taking the 4.9 centimeters, for a year now, it has not grown.

Therefore, with her it has made a significant difference.


2005 Update: An ultrasound showed that the aneurysms has grown to 6.2 centimeters in diameter.  It is supposed that this is due to the pack and a half of cigarettes a day she continues to smoke, which compromises the the effects of the doxycycline. 

Elwin R. Roach




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