Ye Need Not That
Any Man Teach You

(Part 1)
The Anointing That Abides
Gathering And Assembling
The Anointing That Abides
"But the *anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man
teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as
it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him." 1 John 2:27.
Grk chrisma; an unguent or smearing, such as, to rub in. Here is an anointing that penetrates to the
inmost core, so that it totally changes the inner nature. It will not run off, nor can it be washed or wiped off, because
being rubbed in, it becomes a part of the inner being. It abides and changes the inner being, we become spirit of His
Spirit, Joined unto the Lord in one spirit. (I Cor. 6:17).
Could this be true? Did the apostle really mean we do not need anyone to teach us, that to hear what
someone has to say is a waste of time? Was he honestly saying that it is only the anointing that teaches us?
If the answer to these questions is "yes," why should we ever listen to
or read from anyone else?
And we might assume that John was telling us that there is no need for
ministers of any kind. If so, John would have been opposing Paul in regards to what he wrote concerning
the ministries of prophets, apostles, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in Ephesians 4:10.
If there was no need of men and women to preach the Word of God, it is unlikely Paul would have
written: "...How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be
sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring
glad tidings of good things!" Romans 10:14-15.
Even so, after reading this verse more than 40 years ago, I felt that I should withdraw myself from all
fellowship and not receive from anyone, that I should receive the word directly from the anointing, straight
from the Spirit of Christ that I had received in order for me to have a pure word to minister to others.
However, after doing this and not having the expected anointed word to come to me, and with no feeling
of the presence of the Spirit of Christ whatsoever for at least a month, I realized that something was
definitely wrong. That is when the Spirit impressed upon me: "I do not give the whole truth to anyone.
Portions are withheld from each person. This is so they will have to fellowship with one another. Everyone
is enlightened to some of My mysteries. They all have their part of the truth that the others may be lacking.
They, therefore, must fellowship together in order to receive a complete word, not just a partial word that
each individual receives from Me. If you cannot receive from others, what makes you think your word to
them would be any better than theirs to you? If you will not hear from others, why should they hear from
you? And whether you receive any truth, whether from reading the scriptures, reading books, or from
hearing others speak--it is by My anointing in you that you hear and learn." That was quite an eye opener.
You see, the problem does not reside in the hearing of someone preach, teach, or prophesy, as I had
taken John's word to mean. According to the scriptures, men are the primary dispatchers of truth, and very
little would be heard without them. If He chooses to do so, God could divinely inspire the souls of every
human being, and with one sweep of His hand miraculously enlighten them to all truth and save every one
of them . That, however, is not the way he usually works. He has saved people in this manner, I was one of
them, but it is not His general rule. He finds great pleasure in taking His time, and working through Christ's
body of many members. That is the primary means He uses to call His creation back home.
Let us never for a moment think that we should cease from hearing others speak. It is good to give your
ear to the vessels of His calling. Much life can be had in their words. The issue is not in hearing others, but
in not hearing properly. Jesus mentioned this in Luke 8:18, saying, "Take heed therefore how you hear."
One can speak either by the anointing of the Holy Spirit or he can speak by his own spirit, and regardless
of which spirit it is spoken, those hearing the message can likewise hear by the Holy Spirit or by their own
spirit. If it is heard by the Holy anointing that abides within, it is then by that Spirit which will teach the
hearers of the word. Although a man or woman presents the word of truth, it does nothing to anyone until
the Spirit within quickens it and teaches that person. If the Spirit does not teach it, even if the person is
speaking by the anointing, but the ones listening do not hear it by that Anointing, the best possible scenario
is mental ascension. It would be carnal reasoning. This, of course, would be the letter that kills. And we
know that there is no life in the letter alone, never has been, and never will be. So let us take heed, as Jesus
said, in how we hear. It is a very important issue.
When people isolate themselves with hopes of escaping the influence and doctrinal pollution of men,
they may be in for a surprise. I am not saying our Lord does not draw us away and unto Himself at various
times, for He does. There are also occasions when He may separate us from fellowship, from listening to
tapes, or reading anyone's publications, a spiritual fast, if you please. Many today know by their own
experiences this is true. Some, however, separate themselves from the body when it is not the Lord doing
it at all as I had done.
When 'I' withdrew 'myself' from any sort of hearing what others in the body of Christ had to say, my
intentions were good; but I was way off track, and I even had a scripture to back me, so I had thought. This
was one of my first and finest lessons in the dangers of building upon an unstable foundation of a presumed
truth. Other than having learned by my mistake, nothing was gained. I missed the target by a mile.
I suppose the first mistake I made was in not knowing that I was just as susceptible to error as the men
and women I felt I no longer needed to hear. My own mind had a cunning way of sewing adamic
thoughts, cherubim if you will, into the veil with those of Christ's, that the stream of truth flowing through
my earth could become muddied as well as with anyone else. I was sadly surprised when the small amount
of word I had been receiving stopped altogether. If it had continued, I would have no doubt brewed an
apothecary's mixture. The very thing from which I tried to escape went with me into the wilderness to where
I had fled. Try as I may, it was impossible to outdistance myself. I could not get away from my greatest and
most deceptive enemy--myself.
Praise God, this deception lasted only a month or two before I knew what was happening. Since I had
willingly severed myself from hearing God's anointed men and women, God severed His word from me.
Once I realized where the responsibility lay--which was in me and by the anointing of Christ--not only was
I able to hear and receive from all the members of Christ's Body, but that inner word began to flow again.
It is now a true pleasure to hear the voice of my Father in every vessel of His wonderful body. It is good to
know that those of His household are not useless utensils, but they all stand as vital parts in my life. Each
one will help us all along if we let them. They are not here to slow us down, but to speed us up.
We have many hindrances in the land, this is sure, but most of them cannot compare to ourselves.
Although this nation is killing our unborn babies on a massive scale, very similar to when Moses and Jesus
were babies, we must know they are not our worst enemies. It is not the president, the liberals or
conservatives; it is not drugs, alcohol, or the tobacco industry; it is not the misidentified antichrist, or the
hoard of false prophets and teachers; it is not Babylon, nor is it the devil that is our worst enemy. Our worst
and foremost enemy is OURSELVES. All those other factions are merely exterior fragments of the evil that
is sufficient unto the day thereof. Matthew 6:34. And although greater is He that is in you than he or it that
is in the world, there is still an enemy in us that is greater than the one in the world. Again, ourselves! We
are deceived when we confuse our natural intellect with that of the rubbed in anointing that abides. Such
subtlety takes the place of Christ, and when it rules instead of Christ, it is antichrist!
Gathering And Assembling
Since it is clear that no one can be an island unto themselves, that it is not just them alone with God who
will save the world, and gathering themselves together with nominal churches is not the answer either. By
doing so, they would most likely bring more division than union to the body of Christ. In their sincere, but
sincerely misguided venture, rather than assembling, they can be disassembling themselves from Christ's
body. When they should be re-membering the body from whence they came, they are forgetting and dis-membering it. And please know that I am not suggesting that they should get involved with a home
fellowship which can be no more than a microcosm of a large church that is steeped in error. I am saying
to recognize the body of Christ and its members and not to refuse being in union or having true communion
with them, and if there are none where you are, abide your time. Even when there is silence in heaven, and
you are physically alone, the half hour will pass.
Most of those who call themselves Christians do not know the difference between assembling
and gathering. The two words seem the same, but there is quite a difference. One is unto life and the other
unto death. Ray Prinzing wrote in his book, Daily Overcoming Devotionals:
"'There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen. The lion's whelps
have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it' (Job 28:7-8).
"There is a path - it is a foreign highway to the vulture. A vulture is a bird that feeds upon dead bodies.
Matthew 24:23-28, makes it clear that false christs and false prophets will arise, and people will be saying,
go here, or go there, to feed upon their ministry. If it were possible they would deceive the very elect. But
Jesus already warned us, 'GO NOT FORTH' and 'BELIEVE IT NOT.' Then He summed it up with the
illuminating fact, 'for wheresoever the carcass is (dead bodies), there will the eagles (the Greek text reads,
VULTURES) be gathered together.'
"The vultures gather to feed upon the flesh of all these ministries. There is no stronger indictment to be
made. The offerings are taken, the emotions are played upon, the soulish realm is stirred, but the inner spirit
famishes for the want of FRESH MEAT OF HIS WORD, a divine revelation application for our NOW.
"But, there is a path, which the vulture's eye hath not seen; it goes beyond the flesh, beyond the
corruption of man, beyond the kingdom-building programs of the carnal. It is our desire to ever walk this
ascending path, mounting up, growing into spiritual maturity, into the fullness of God, into that realm of
which Jesus prayed, 'Father, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, BE WITH ME WHERE I AM:
"Augustine said, Let Him who prayed, 'that they may be with Me where I AM,' fulfill that prayer.' Full
well this man knew that it was not in the power of his own flesh and self-works to enter into the state of
being where it can be said, 'I AM.' Only Christ can bring us into this UNION with Himself, to become ONE
IN HIM. There is a path, it is found in HIM WHO IS 'The way, The Truth, and The Life' (John 14:6)." --
End quote. A good example of assembling unto life is the 120 at Pentecost. They were led
together and met in one accord. It was then that they were filled with the Holy Spirit. We do not generally
see this in church gatherings today. The Holy Spirit is really not welcome, and it is a rarity to see them as
being in one accord. They may be in one accord concerning their church's agenda, doctrines, decrees,
picnics, and dogmas; but not being in one accord spiritually as on the day of Pentecost.
I do not believe we are wrong by saying that most church services are gatherings rather than assemblies.
It is rare for everyone to be in one accord spiritually. For example, let us compare the many members of a
congregation to an airplane that also has many members, or parts. Each member of the congregation and of
the airplane serves its purpose that enables them to function efficiently. Paul said it this way: "From whom
the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the
effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in
love." Ephesians 4:16.
With the plane, we can have all the parts of a new Boeing 747 gathered together in a pile on the
assembly line, but yet to be assembled. Who of us would think to hop on that pile of new parts and expect
to be flown to Timbuktu or anywhere else in the world. Even though there are no parts lacking, that heap
of plastic and metal would be more akin to a junk-pile than a jet airliner. It could not be flown whatsoever.
However, when all those parts are properly assembled, they are in one accord. It is then that it would be
possible to fly safely anywhere in the world that has an adequate airport.
We all have bought gifts for our children, and the boxes they came in were full of parts with notices that
read, "Some assembly required." Well, dear gatherers, some assembly is required as well. We want to be
portions of Christ's manifested Body, this is good; but before the members can come forth and work, there
is more to it than being gathered together, we must be assembled.
Since there are no meetings of like-minded people in their area, some think that they cannot be
assembled with others. However, a collection of warm bodies are not necessary in order to assemble. It is
just as possible when isolated, sometimes more so. Being in one mind and spirit is the crucial point, not the
grouping of bodies together with minds that think on the same human parallel. It is not unusual for the
brethren to be void of meetings of any kind; but this does not stop them from being assembled. Although
they would choose to gather on a regular basis with like-minded believers, they do well being without it.
They are satisfied when it is known that they fill their place and station in Christ's Body while doing or not
doing exactly what their Father bids. They may be physically detached from the Body, but they are spiritually
connected. They may not be gathered with others, but they are assembled with them in Him.
Some may sit Sunday after Sunday in chapels and churches of 20 or so members, a 100 or more, or in
cathedrals of 5,000 plus and not be assembled. Frankly, it would be remarkable if they were assembled. They
sing in their choirs, teach Sunday-school classes, preach firebrand sermons, and still may not be assembled,
only gathered. What a difference! Just being there does not constitute a true assembly. Yet, we have often
heard, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as some are." They, of course, believe they are
assembling themselves together by going to church, and assume that those who are not, but truly are
assembled, must be forsaking that bidding word.
Those who are active in their churches may feel they are assembled, but this does not do it either. Men
and women can be full of "good works" but totally void of the assembled Spirit and Godly works of Christ.
It is not uncommon to see people gather for special meetings. Wherever a revival, a convention,
ingathering, or out-of-town guest is speaking, many are there to hear the anointed word of God. Very often,
however, after being filled, they go away without having digested what was ministered. Therewith, they fail
to put into practice or grow by that which was delivered. They are suspected of being gathered rather than
assembled. It is good to attend these meetings, we love to do so when we can; but the purpose of coming
together can be wrong. What is the motive? Is it to enrich our lives and grow in the Lord, or simply to eat
and get religiously fat?
Our very dear friend, Bob Torango, gave this analogy about people who are hearers of the word only
and do not bring it to fruition, or manifestation. In essence he said:
They are like the one-celled amoeba,
which is of the simplest life form. Their entire lives revolve around receiving but never giving. Never being
full, they are on a relentless search of food, and more food.
Like the amoeba, they flow through the corporate Body of Christ, engulfing and consuming all they can.
They may be eating a rich diet of the word, but they still may not be members of that body, and they are not
necessarily assembled in it. There is more to being a manifested son of God than consuming and believing
present-day truths. It is wonderful to believe God's eternal truths. We have heard, however, that demons
also believe, but it does them no good. James put it this way: "Thou believest that there is one God; thou
doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works
is dead?" James 2:19-20.
The apostle did not say that the devils believe and embrace God's truths, only that they believe there
is one God. As for that, we know people who believe many things that we know to be true; but they are
devils in the flesh.
We do well to have the believing parts of the body gathered with us in fellowship and spiritual meetings,
yet without being assembled we can still be lacking. When we are not assembled, we are not necessarily in
one accord, and if not, will be unable to manifest the cohesive substance of Christ. In addition, Paul did not
say that creation was standing on tiptoe looking for a people with a new doctrine, or even the 'right'
doctrine. The fact is, they couldn't care less about a blueprint of Christ's body, or detailed instructions of
how it is supposed to work. Don't you think that they want to see it in operation, rather than having the
Owner's manual being read to them?
As profound as Jesus' words were about His impending death, His resurrection, and the totality of
humanity's reconciliation to Him, they could not be compared to the actual events and fulfillments. Likewise
today, creation is not asking to be told about the appearing of the Sons of God. They are anxiously waiting
to see it! Manifestation is their hope of being delivered from the bondage of corruption. Great sermons and
doctrines are not the answers to their decay. It is good to know what God has planned for His creation; but
that for which the world yearns is the substance to which the plan points. They do no care about being
hypothetically or doctrinally saved--they want the reality of salvation, and that will be at the consummation
of the assembling of Christ's body.
All the members of humanity hunger and desire their portion from the banqueting table of the Lord.
They cannot be filled by others reading a cook book to them, nor by reading the book themselves. People
might drool over the pictures of succulent dishes in Martha Stewart's cook book; but their appetites will not
be sated until all the parts listed of the recipes are properly assembled and salted with fire.
People want a taste of reality. They are not looking for pseudo doctrines, or even true ones. It is not in
their interest to have their souls excited by the latest revelation or to strengthening and confirm their
religious beliefs. There is a groan deep within humanity. The world is crying out for deliverance.
Subconsciously they are looking to see the Lord coming in His corporate body, the sons of God. The world
is anxious for something far greater than a superficial church and sermons about flying away to heaven or
the threats of everlasting damnation and hellfire for those who don't join their ranks or lineup with their
beliefs. They are weary of religious professions without possessions. They want nothing to do with such fluff
and nonsense. They want to see the sons of God. They want to see the work of God's hands, the ones who
will sanctify His name and manifest His glorify. In turn they will seek after God for themselves.
They will never, however, see the work of God's hands in people who do not take heed in how they
hear. They who separate and seclude themselves from the body of Christ while saying: "We need not that
any man teach us--we will hear directly from on high for ourselves," will have little or nothing to offer
anyone. Those who are not assembled, only gathered as the many parts of a jet airliner, will have no
functioning part with the elect of God in His Kingdom. They who are pulled away by their deceived
imaginations from the living body of Christ, along with those who are gathered in their churches, will surely
be found wanting.
On the other hand, if you are hearing the voice of our Father, you are learning as you abide in that place
to which you have been called. Many have heard Him saying to come out of mystery Babylon, and they did.
As it had been with them, likewise with you. When you leave the confines of your church, you will be joined
to the Lord's body. Whether you find yourselves in a crowd or alone in the desert, be sure to know--you
are God's workmanship, and He will place you in the Body where you fit perfectly. 1 Corinthians 12:18.
Furthermore, you will remain there for the appointed time, but not forgotten, and neither will you be guilty
of forsaking the assembling of yourselves together. You will be assembled with those who will come forth
as the manifested Sons of God!
"...Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee; how much less this house that I have
builded?" 1 Kings 8:27. Since King Solomon could not build a house that could contain God, then do we
think that we can build one in which He would like to live? I think not! But in His assembled body, He is
more than pleased to dwell throughout the ages, which is in you and me and all the others!
This is a tremendous day wherewith the mysteries are being taught by the anointing. They are
impossible to describe in human terms; but they will be gloriously displayed by the sons of God for the
whole world to see and then become partakers of that glory! What a much greater teacher, that of the
anointing, than the soul of our old man whose days are numbered and coming to a swift close!
Therefore, look up dear anointed ones of the Lord. We are being assembled like the members in the
valley of dry bones: After he prophesied the anointed words from God, there was a rattling noise from all
across the valley, and a great assembly began to take place. The bones of each body came together and
attached to each other as they once were. Then the muscles and flesh formed over the bones, and skin
covered them; and they laid there with no breath (and in silence, perhaps for the space of half an hour). He
then prophesied again the word of the Lord God saying: Come from the four winds, O Breath, O Spirit, and
breathe upon these dead bodies, that they may live again. And as he had commanded the bodies began to
breath; they lived and stood up--a very great army! Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Paraphrased).
You see, as long as those bones were only gathered in the valley, there was no life in them. They had
nothing to give; but once assembled--they became a great army!
So gather in churches if you will. It could either be good, bad, or indifferent, depending on each
gathering and the spirit of the people; but never again think that going to church is assembling yourselves
together. And neither think that those outside the camp of churches are forsaking the assembling of
themselves together. What a day!
To be continued...