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Part 2
(Continued from #347.22)



As we left off in our previous article: "Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning! Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!" (Ecclesiastes 10:16-17).

When considering the Kingdom of God, quite a number of people equate it as heaven, as paradise, a place in the sky where good people go after they die. If not that, to some, it is no more than an unlikely pipe-dream for the gullible, mansions for every resident, and streets of gold upon which everyone has the pleasure of walking. That which is visible in the world is certainly not what most would call a government of grand proportions. Other than a few demonstrations of God's sovereignty, very little has changed over the centuries. And to the natural eye there is virtually nothing extraordinary going on today. Moreover, if mansions and streets of gold are the primary desires for you or anyone else, you there is no need for Jesus, and for you don't have to wait until you die. All you need is enough money to buy what your soul lusts after. Just a thought to examine where your heart abides.

Now to consider the purpose of the Sons of God that Paul wrote about in the eighth chapter Romans. If there were any remote possibilities that we have any power or authority especially in preventing death and devastation from sweeping over the world and through people’s lives, it is not apparent. Healing is not the norm of the day, and hospitals and mental institutions continue to burst at the seams. Those in dire need, the sick and hurting, are turned out on the streets to make room for the flood of new patients. Some hospitals are sending Covid 19 patients home to die due to having no beds for them. Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation. Researchers estimate 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce. 73 percent of all third marriages end in divorce. The United States has the 3rd highest divorce rate in the world, topped only by Russia and Belarus.

Prisons have revolving doors. It makes you wonder why they bother to put locks and bars on them. Wars, crimes, natural disasters, and incurable diseases are pandemic. Indeed, there appears to be no cure in sight, and certainly not from those of the seemingly infirm Kingdom of God. We have heard so often, "If God is God, and He cares about people, who are direly hurting, why doesn't He do something about it?"

Ah, but such assertions are from man’s perspective, not God's. Man is viewing things from beneath and not from above. His senses are from the realm of time rather than eternity. He sees things as they presently are, as being ruled by children of the King and not the Sons of God.

People with limited vision can only see that which is immediately before their eyes, which in turn leaves them with little hope. However, if they should be called to rise in Christ, their vision would take on quite a change. What used to be a minuscule speck of the whole, they would not only see how well it fits with everything else; but they could see the might and power of the Kingdom of God. It would be so clear you would hear them declaring that the glory of that Kingdom is presently with us. They would see all things from the beginning to the end as present truth, depending, of course, on how high in Christ they were lifted and what their vantage point might be.

It is only when people are relative to the temporal things that tunnel vision is their precept of understanding. They cannot see afar off and grasp it as presently at hand. It is similar to what Paul said about salvation: "Christ is nigh thee, even in thy heart and mouth." Although our Lord is ever so near, some fail to realize it, or at least some mistake youthful zeal as being Christ. Children will play, whether in the dirt at home or while sitting upon the throne of God's Kingdom. It is their nature to play. It's expected of them. There is nothing wrong with children playing and doing what is natural; but woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child. It is then that the picture takes on a different perspective.

Some will say that they have been in this word for forty years, and declare that they are not children. If that is the case, and they act as immature children, then they are dwarfs! And if you recall, dwarfs are disqualified from ministering the bread of the Lord (rf. Lev 21:20). They are permitted to eat the Lord's bread; but they are not qualified to minister it, yet without fear they still do, as well as politicians, even presidents at times.

I would ask you to forgive me if I have offended you; but I can't ask that of you. To be truthful, if you are sitting as a child and playing in the dirt and refuse to get cleaned up, it is time to be offended. You must be made ready to stand before your Lord as well as the world who anxiously await your appearing.

While I am railing on children and dwarfs, let me draw your attention to those with musical talents. Such talents may certainly be used by the Spirit to honor the Lord and lift the saints into the heights of the heavens. But do know this, we must not confuse talents with the anointing. So often the musically inclined will be called upon to entertain the saints, and if they are not called upon, they will find a way to call themselves. In some churches and meetings the bulk of the services are that of song, dance, and musical instruments. Most often the songs and musical talent are excellent — as good as any in the world. Yet, I must confess, it is not always by the Spirit.

Most all people, especially children, have an inborn desire to be noticed, and musical talent is one of the ways to get it. But let us be honest — are holy convocations the places to be seen and heard if the Spirit of Christ is not the motivating factor?

For instance, there are carnal Hollywood musicians as good as any in the world. Some of them can leave their worshipers spellbound by his talent; but would we ask them to learn some Kingdom songs and lead our worship services? Not likely! Some are excellent orators who can leave their audiences on the edge of their seats or rolling with laughter with their humor and wit; but would we want them to group some scriptures together and be our keynote speakers for our meetings? That would be unthinkable; but we don't see so much wrong when it comes to Christian speakers and vocalists when they move in the flesh and not the Spirit!

James Kraemer sent a message several years ago and reminded us what Paul wrote to the Galatians: "When we were children, we were in bondage under the elements of the world" (Galatians 4:3). The brother went on to say that "The word elements is stoicheion and is the same word used in the third chapter of Second Peter in reference to the elements melting with fervent heat. It also shows up in Colosians 2: 8,20 where it is translated rudiments. As I reflected on this I began to realize that part of what we were seeing (in some meetings this past year) was that enfolding fire which God is sending forth and consuming and melting down those elementary principles which were manifesting through the children that were still in bondage to these rudiments. The instrument which God used to do this was His ministers whom He has made a flame of fire (Hebrews 1:7)."

Amen, Brother Kraemer! Those elementary school-yard games were consumed by the flames of fire when they were brought into the holy place of God. Rudiments of childhood are wonderful, they are filled with joy; but they have no place in the holy places of the temple and solemn assemblies of the Lord.

We have walked among the stones of fire and reveled in the glory of the New Day; but the fact is, we have seen very little of it in the earth. We come together in holiness unto the Lord, and we are lifted in anthems of praise, only to be cast down at times by carnal clamoring. Woe to the land when children sit as kings. What disquieting consternation. We talk of maturity, of ruling with Christ, doing exploits, and of setting creation free from the bondage of corruption; yet where is the evidence? We seldom even see it in our own ranks, much less in the world? Why do things go unchanged in the land?

There is no question about it — many children sit today as kings. But let us not hold any ill-feelings toward them; for it is the mature ones who are to be held responsible. The Sons of the Noble, have in many cases stepped aside and let them reign in their stead during the assemblies. This is very clear in meetings around the world. Anyone who has the remotest amount of discernment will attest to it. The children, of course, are never aware of it. All they know is that they are having a good time. Due to the lack of guidance from the elders, some have become foolish and are very disruptive. However, when "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child...the rod of correction shall drive it far from him." (Proverbs 22:15).

Children are generally void of discernment, and I speak not of natural children, as you surely know. Chronological age has nothing to do with it. For instance, several years ago, a young girl of 12 or 13 years old could easily see the childishness of some and irreverence of others in a gathering we were in, and she was moved to heart-rending tears and deep intercession. Her father was so grieved that he rushed out of the meeting, also in intercession, fearing, he said, that someone might be struck down dead, and not so much because of the children, but because of elders who knew better.

For countless years children have risen up as kings before the congregation of the mighty, and everyone's land has been laid desolate. Although children are void of knowledge, understanding, counsel, might, wisdom, and discernment — we let it be. We let them rule. No one wanted to hurt anyone's feelings, and above all, we've been taught to 1*prefer one another (Romans 12:10). God forbid if we stood in the way of anyone who might have something to say, or even if they had nothing but testimonies and nursery rhymes. When that mistranslated verse is put into practice, guess who takes advantage of it? Not only the children, but the insurrectionists as well. The latter are bent on taking over. They, no doubt, confuse their self-imposing assertion as the anointing of God; but in truth, it is rebellion against the very anointing they believe to possess. Let me tell you, my friends, Pentecostal fervor is not necessarily the anointing of God. The Word of the Lord does not have to be conveyed by loud and boisterous screaming. The fact is, most of it is nothing more than religious theatrics. When the Spirit of the Lord rises in a person, the soul can become excited and can be exuberantly manifested in the flesh. There's nothing wrong with expressing what a person is seeing, hearing, and feeling by the Spirit; but truthfully, a lot of what we have seen was the unrefined soul. Much of it was flesh and had very little, if anything, to do with the Spirit.

Children who display such are not so much at fault, that is, if they have not been taught and don't know better. They are not held accountable; but the insurrectionists will reap their dues. They know what they are doing, while the children are just having fun and getting a lot of attention. The insurrectionists enviously begrudge those with authority. They feel that they should be the ones to lead the people, and they attempt to do so — some by interruptive loud "praises," "prophecies," or parading before the people with a "word."

It is easy to point fingers at the church system and lay blame on its leaders for the woes of the land; but the accusations should be levied a little closer to home — in our own midst, to be exact. As Israel wandered in the wilderness, they did not have to look far for real enemies, and I can tell you — those enemies were not children. They were full-grown men, and they were very near, right in their midst. They were men like Korah and his followers who were Israelites. These men were just as much of the body as the others; but that which caused the distinction was their insurrection against God and His anointed. In so doing, they were swallowed up by the earth.

When they rose up against God's anointed, they were defying God. They despised and came against the order of that day. It seems that they either thought Moses could no longer hear the voice of the Spirit, or they didn't like the way He was doing things. Either way, they took it upon themselves to remove the scepter from Moses and reign in his stead. And we see it still. Korah and his princes, men of renown, continue among us to this day.

Let me tell you, brethren, in all sincerity: "...They have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying (antilogia, dispute, disobedience) of Core (Korah, Heb.). These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots" (Jude 1:11-12, KJV).

Another translations renders it: "These men are those who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted." (Jude 1:12, NASB).

Oh, my friends, how long will we sit in silent turmoil in the presence of these insurrections and drink from their lifeless cups? They are present in every gathering when Sons of God present themselves before the Lord. They always come among them and rise up in their own might. And can we deny that they are as much of Israel as the rest of the body? I think not. They are like Korah and his men of old. "And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown: And they gathered themselves together 2*against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the LORD?" (Numbers 16:3).

What Korah had to say was true, and it goes for us today as well. The entire congregation is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them all. There are many princes and men of renown who are famous in the body of Christ. They are admired, loved, and looked upon as someone worthy to follow. Popularity and being well-known, however, are neither the stamps of approval nor the seals of the anointing. Yet they still rise up against the order of the day just the same, against what God is doing. They resent those who are flowing in the Spirit of Lord's Day and who have a living word. It is a threat to their agenda and influence over the people, and they choose to rise up against God by doing their own thing. Each one reasons, as did Korah, "All the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them — especially me, since I am one of the princes, famous, a man (or woman) of renown."

I suspect that a plumb-line has been set in the congregation, particularly in the assemblies of the Lord. Children will, no doubt, continue playing and imitating; but the elders must deal with them before and after the gatherings to prevent deep wounds from being exacted to their tender spirits. The insurrectionists, however, may not be dealt with so lightly. With the plumb-line in place, or a line drawn, if they step over it, woe to them. It will not be woe to the land, but woe to them as the earth opens her mouth, and swallows them up, and their houses, and all the men that align with them, and all their goods. They, and all their apparent works will go into the pit, and the earth will close upon them: and they shall perish from among the congregation (rf. Numbers 16:32-33).

I doubt that we will see the literal opening of the earth and swallowing the Korahs of today; but we may see them separated from the body of Christ as they are drawn back into the earth of their religious desires. Until now they have had free-reign and could come and go as they well pleased. They have enjoyed the pulpit along with the anointed of the Lord. They have been spots in our feasts, submerged reefs, and for years have defiled and ship-wrecked the assemblies of the Lord, and until now not much has been done about it. But if that which we have seen on a small scale continues throughout the body of Christ, and is a forerunner of what to expect in the future — Korah, beware!

When we see, and are a part of a holy correction, such an awe and reverence for our King is instilled. From that day forth, it makes it difficult to rise and be heard unless His seal is embossed deeply into every word. It is then that we will be held accountable for every idle word. Where we once had a lot of latitude, the way has suddenly become very strait and narrow. It is no longer us four and no more, or us two and nothing new. It is Christ alone, and without Him there are no words to speak. Moreover, if we are not on His side of the line — the earth will likely open her mouth and swallow us as well. The world could easily become our heart's desire, and we could drift ever so quickly into the dark clutches of her deadly embrace.

We have read it before, yet the following verse has suddenly taken on a renewed meaning. Let us reverently take note and heed — "...the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before him." (Habakkuk 2:20, NASB). My, what an almost impossible thing to do. It is much easier to be busy doing something rather than sitting idle, and how can one be silent when it comes so natural to fill the void of quietness with talk, praise, or sing? The sad fact is, it has not often been the case.

When in the assemblies of the Lord, it is generally the same when someone suggests by the Spirit to be silent before Him. After about three minutes, a few of the people become restless. They don't know how to sit quietly before the King. A child will break into a song, or an insurrectionist will take the opportunity to prophesy. Whether from a child or someone wanting to take charge, the word is always the same. If we've heard it once, we've heard it a hundred times or more. "Yea, thus saith the Lord...." And the dialog goes on that tells us how bad we've had it; but if we continue being faithful, things will soon change. In essence, have we not heard that same word prophesied over the years? Indeed we have, yet without weight or substance. Their boisterous declarations have changed nothing. While we could be sitting in silence before the Lord, clamoring at His feet has taken precedence over royal communion and divine guidance. It seems that when it is time for the earth to be silent, that is when she will rise with swirling dust-devils.

Silence should open the door of reverence and holy awe before the throne, and not the door of opportunity for the earth to be seen and heard. This is not the day of flesh — it is the day of the Spirit. And neither is it the day of children — it is the day of the Sons of God! This is not meat for the children but meat for the Sons. So "Be silent before the Lord GOD! For the day of the LORD is near, the LORD has prepared a sacrifice, He has consecrated His guests" (Zephaniah 1:7, NASB).

I often wonder why there is so much boldness around the throne when God assembles His people before Him. The fear of the Lord is foreign to some. It appears the same as when the Sons of God presented themselves before the Lord as we read in Job, and from within Job Satan came among them. It was there that he challenged God Himself. We can be sure of one thing — whenever and wherever the Sons of God present themselves before the Lord, there Satan will be among them; that is, in them, and always without fear. Where do you think Satan was when he tempted Jesus after 40 days in the wilderness?

Please know that I am not referring to a devil running around in red-flannel, long-handled underwear. I speak of those in us seat on our carnal minds or dressed in nice attire of our day, casual clothing, suits, and dresses. You may be offended by such remarks; but if Jesus could call one of His closest friends Satan for being adverse to what the Spirit was doing, I believe it is appropriate to call my friends Satan when they relish that which is of the flesh and not the Spirit. And likewise, with me — should I savor the ways of the flesh over the Spirit, then I too would be a satan, a man who is adverse to the Holy Spirit.

My intentions can be honorable. I can go to a meeting wanting everyone to be blessed by a rich word of the Lord; but suppose I fail to lay my flesh aside and trust wholly in the Spirit of my Lord; I could find myself trying to dig up a word, which would be better left buried. Or if I should attempt to orchestrate something out of what seems to be right in my own sight, then I would be adverse to the Spirit of Christ and anyone with true vision would be justified in saying get behind me Satan.

I don't mind telling you, we've had more satans in our midst than I care to mention. Most everyone of us have filled those shoes at one time or another, and we've learn to hate them. With some, however, those religious sand sandals fit well, and they walk proudly in them. We can easily see it; but we don't want to offend them by saying anything, for they are famous and full of proud renown in the body of Christ.

But be careful, now. What I write is not a license for us to start lambasting everyone we disagree with. We've had plenty of that in the past, and it didn't work then and it won't work today. It served no other purpose than to prove someone wrong, and it started wars among the brethren. Flower bed dog fights settle nothing but the flowers, as the wise Geo. Hawtin wrote many years ago. So what do we do when children, Korahs, or someone who is simply missing the mark of the Spirit begin to take over and rule?

Go ahead and try to follow to the letter of what Paul wrote if you want; but I can tell you beforehand that legalism will fail as well. Legal gymnastics of a dead letter is just as much satan as someone standing before an assembly of the Lord and ministering out of his or her own flesh. I seriously doubt that there will be a change in what we have previously seen, that is, not until the seventh seal is opened in people's lives and in the body of Christ corporately. Then, and only then, will there be reverence and silence before the Lord.

"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour" (Revelation 8:1). [The space of half an hour is an unspecified amount of time]

Ah, silence in heaven. Can't you just picture it. All the holy angels of God, the Living Creatures, and all the saints attired in white robes in such awe that they reverently hold their peace. Not a word spoken for about a half an hour.


The quiet, peaceful place (of man's imagination) is not the silence the Spirit of this word is speaking of at all. It is the silencing of our souls, our minds, our wills, our wants — the heaven between our ears! That is heaven wherein there will not be a word uttered or even thought when the seventh seal is opened.

Someone once said that he had been in many heavens, and a lot of them have passed away. They have been shaken, and consumed by fire and crumbled due to unmeasurable quakes in those heaven quakes. Terrible things have raged in ours as well. In one of those lofty places there is fierce conflict; such as,"...There was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels" (Revelation 12:7). Heaven is not always an abode of pleasant tranquility. Before that comes, I believe we must be so united with Christ that we will be far above all heavens that Paul spoke of in Ephesians 4:10. It is from there that He fills all things, and then it can be said it is finished and there will be no more war. The heaven that becomes totally silent when the seventh seal is opened, is that of man's mind and every vesture of his religious persuasions.

There were times when I minister from the outer-courts, and then times when I ministered from the throne of God in the most Holy place. When in the outer-courts I enjoy the praises, verbal accolades, and the amens shouted from the congregation . It encouraged me. Just knowing I'm touching the people helped to motivate me; but the sad point is, that which I was touching was often their natural man, that which can be stirred by "good preaching." And in turn, their amens touch my flesh. In the natural, we are creatures who like to scratch each other's backs; but it does nothing to promote the Kingdom of God or to add one measure of strength to our spiritual makeup, except, of course, unless the Spirit brings to life the dead word being ministered.

But what a difference when I ministered from that high and Holy Place of God called the most Holy of holies. I neither needed nor did I want any sounds coming from the heavens of soulish fervor. I neither desired nor would I tolerate thundering trumpets of amens or praises from the the outer-courts, especially from loud and disruptive religious spirits. There is no place in the Holiest of all for self-serving people. Neither is childishness nor a party spirit welcomed therein. It is an offense in the somber place of God.

Why, let me ask, do people drive or fly many hundreds of miles, and spend hundreds of dollars, to be in the assemblies of the Lord? There are various reasons, we are certain. Some feel a quickening by the Spirit that they must be there, and only God knows the purpose for each individual. Some desire to feast in due season for strength, to hear and perhaps share a word which will lift the sincere to unparalleled heights in Christ. A few just want to be among the saints for fellowship, like with a family reunion, which is great! We love time like that. And others go for the party; for that is where the word and the Spirit, the bread and wine, flows richly, and they may drink in the spirit unto drunkenness. The motivation of each person will determine what they get out of it or what they give.

When one enters into the holy place and ministers, it should by by refrain from inciting the people to continual laughter. Although joy is part of the Kingdom of God, it is joy in the Holy Spirit, not the spirit of drunkenness. The carnal wit of Adam has no place in the Holy sanctuary of God. That wine of intoxication will keep men from ministering true life unto the saints. Ezekiel said that "Neither shall any priest drink wine when they enter into the inner court" (Ezekiel 44:21). The inner court, whether the holy place or the most Holy place, is not a place for drunkenness. It is solemn. It is serious. It is a place that demands silence from all flesh and the soulish heavens round about.

Those in the solemn assemblies can only be ministered to from the throne of the Lamb. Furthermore, the Sons of the Noble who minister from that holy place will not give place to anything but that which is holy. It is from there, my brothers and sisters, that the children and insurrectionist will be dealt with. The Sons who possess the authority of the King know how to correct, admonish, and love those who bring offense in the temple of God. And when we leave from those gatherings, the King of kings will continue His work of bringing each soul through the heavens until they sit together with Him and above them all.

"Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and thy princes eat in the morning! Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!" (Ecclesiates 10:16-17).

Elwin R. Roach




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2. i.e. against the word and against the anointing.