Zinc For Prostate Enlargement
http://www.naturalnews.com/025265_zinc_Prostate_testosterone.html http://www.livestrong.com/article/10185-use-zinc-decrease-enlarged-prostate/
Below is an excerpt from
"Irving Bush, M.D., senior consultant at the Center for Study of
Genitourinary Diseases in West Dundee, Illinois, and former
chairman of the Food and Drug Administration panels on
gastroenterology, urology and dialysis, studied the effects of
zinc on enlarged prostates. Nineteen men with enlarged prostates
took 150 milligrams of zinc sulfate every day for two months,
followed by 50 to 100 milligrams a day as a maintenance dose. 14
of the 19 men experienced shrinkage of the prostate."
Short articles:
zinc also prevents the formation of dihyrotestosterone (DHT).
When testosterone levels decline, the prostate gland converts
the testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This testosterone is 17
times more potent than testosterone. Unfortunately DHT breaks
down testosterone causing a range of problems including prostate
enlargement, potentially prostate cancer, and even male baldness
since it can damage the hair follicles.