"Teaching the things concerning the kingdom of God..."
Part 107
“And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood: and the third part of the creatures which were
in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed” (Rev. 8:8-9).
The second angel
sounded! A great mountain burning
with fire was cast into the sea! “If
ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed,” Jesus once declared, “ye shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou cast
into the midst of the sea — and
it shall be done.” In fire and flame
John beheld such a mountain hurled into the sea!
The seed of the kingdom
of God is planted within each of us to change us into the image and likeness of
Christ. As a firstfruits today, we
are the first to be changed! It is
within us that the seven trumpets are sounding,
bringing wonderful and powerful processings and transformations in our lives. When the second angel sounds, “As it were a great mountain burning
with fire was cast into the sea (of mankind): and the third part of the sea
became blood.” It does not say that a literal mountain burning with literal
fire was cast into the literal sea. Oh, no! However, if we can understand the language
used in its literal sense, we can then gain a clear conception of what it is
intended to signify when used in its figurative or spiritual sense. A “burning mountain” would be one in
volcanic eruption, emitting flames, smoke, and lava. The
casting of this into the sea would produce a violent commotion of the waters,
stirring them to unfathomed depths. Clouds
of steam would ascend and the surface of the water would be agitated into fury. Billows would rise mountain high,
engulfing the ships within range of the disturbance, and the natural result
would be that fish and other sea animals would be killed. When we get a picture of the absolute
awesomeness of the scene John beheld in spirit, and understand the language in
its proper figurative and spiritual meaning, we are better able to grasp the
ideas involved. The things
represented, however, must be suggested by the things seen in the picture. A “mountain” in scripture represents a kingdom or a power.
Notice the words, “As it were a great mountain…” “As it were” reveals that this is a
parable, a symbolic picture, a metaphor, a figure of speech, an allegory, a
likening or a comparison. It
signifies that there is a happening within
us that can be compared to, or
understood by, a burning mountain being cast into the sea, causing a third part
of the sea to become blood. Without
doubt this “great mountain” which is “burning with fire,” the fire of God, is
the heavenly mount Zion, the power and glory and dominion of the rule or kingdom
of God coming cataclysmically into our experience. Consider the symbolisms in the following
scripture and hear the word of the Lord! “When
the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall
have purged the blood of Jerusalem, from the midst thereof by the spirit of
judgment, and by the spirit of burning, the Lord will create upon every dwelling
place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the
shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defense” (Isa. 4:4-5).
When we understand that
mountains in scripture represent kingdoms, governments, or rulerships, we will
understand John’s vision! This is
the entrance of HIS KINGDOM, burning with fire, cast into the “sea” of our
lives, the body realm, which is the seat of all the gross sins of the flesh and
the bestial nature of the natural man. This
fiery kingdom comes to cleanse that which has been so utterly corrupted and
defiled. The great truth of this is
revealed in king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream which was interpreted by Daniel. Daniel said to the king, “Thou sawest until a stone was cut out
without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay,
and brake them in pieces…and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain that filled the whole earth” (Dan. 2:34-35). There is but one great mountain — the triumphant kingdom of our Lord! This kingdom begins in the lives of God’s
elect, and it is here that it must first cleanse, change, and transform all of
our being, spirit, soul, and body. Ultimately
it will smite all the kingdoms of man, and fill the whole earth! Truly this is redemption’s outworking in
beautiful portrayal!
There can be no doubt
that this “great mountain burning with fire” is the mountain of the dominion of
the kingdom of our great and glorious God! The kingdom of God is the authority,
power, glory, and dominion of God by the Spirit! The word “kingdom” is a contraction of the
term “king’s domain.” The term
“kingdom of God” can mean no other than the domain over which God exercises rule
as King. It is God’s declared
purpose therefore that His people, His holy nation, His peculiar treasure, should be the domain over which He would
rule as King, and ultimately all the earth and every creature and all
things. The Lord’s greatest dominion at this time is in the lives of His elect
and chosen ones! We are now becoming
ruled and governed by the Lord totally and absolutely. He has extended the dominion of His
kingdom to our hearts and lives, and now the Lord will rule us with complete and
undisputed dominion! And He will
continue to rule and reign in our lives until every enemy within us is made
subject to Him. This is the present truth of the kingdom
of God!
The kingdom is not the
reign of God as such, for God is ultimately reigning as the King eternal and the
Lord of the universe at all times. The
kingdom is the gracious action of the sovereign God of heaven by which His reign
is recognized and reverenced and entered into by those men whom God had previously
permitted to walk in their own sense of “self-hood.” The kingdom is the gathering together of
all things into one in Christ. The
kingdom is reconciliation. The
kingdom is regeneration. The kingdom is deliverance. The kingdom is salvation. The kingdom is transformation. The kingdom is every man presented perfect
in Christ Jesus! The kingdom is God All-in-all!
The kingdom of God is
limited to that domain where God’s saving,
transforming power has defeated
all opposition, broken down every wall, transformed all that is contrary to
God’s nature; mind, will, emotions, and desires have been brought into oneness
and harmony with God’s nature and authority. Where the nature of God and the mind of
Christ have mightily conquered, the state of things is called the kingdom of
God! Where hearts are changed, where
sin, and error, and darkness have been defeated, where truth and righteousness
advance, where life and light and love hold sway, where the will and ways of the
Father are raised up as reality and life in a people, where the mind of Christ
rules out of union with God — there the kingdom of God has come and is
advancing! In the kingdom of God it
is no longer God ruling over you by an external law and sovereignty, but
the life, mind, heart, nature, power, wisdom, knowledge, and will of God entering into you, becoming your very
own reality. And THAT IS THE
The seven trumpets
portray the work of God in transformation in His elect! When the first trumpet sounded the Lord
sent the hail of a hard word and the fire of His divine power to “burn off” from
our soulical earth realm the religious fleshly works that had grown up out of
the earth of our carnal minds. Is
that not where God starts with His chosen and apprehended ones as He sets about
to conform them to the image of Christ? He
first sets His hand to deliver us from the outward works of religious Babylon. But now, this great spiritual mountain of
the Holy Ghost fire of God is cast into the sea of mankind! This happens, my beloved, as the power,
authority, and glory of God by the Spirit is raised up in the lives of God’s
elect! The “sea” is the realm of the
sinful, fleshly, earthly, deceitful, and wicked Adamic nature of the natural
man. The sea is turned to blood,
thus showing the destruction of the fleshly and corrupt Adamic nature within!
The third part of the
creatures in the sea that had life, died, revealing that the unbridled emotions,
the fleshly passions, the ungodly desires, and the wickedness of the Adamic
heart are brought to death within the Lord’s elect. “One third” reveals that God is not at
this time doing this in the whole race of men, but only in the “one third
company” — His elect! Fishes are among the lowest order of
animal life. The creatures in the
sea represent the various aspects of the beastly nature in us all, the passions
of the flesh that swim about in the consciousness of those who live and walk
after the flesh. Usually an emotion or desire does not have “life” unless it is
stimulated or stirred up in some way. That
happens in temptation! When “made alive” such emotions and
desires have great power unto either good or evil. Many a child of God has fallen into sin
and failure, and many a preacher has had his ministry discredited and ruined,
because of the awesome power of the “fish” or passions and desires
swimming about in his lower, outer flesh nature. No one type can express them all, so there
are creatures great and small, powerful, cunning, ugly, menacing, viscous,
poisonous, sometimes even beautiful and apparently wise and highly intelligent
in their own way, but all feeding off of each other, inhabiting, living, and
manifesting in the lowest realms of man’s being.
How we praise God for the
sacred knowledge that the all-consuming power of the Holy Ghost fire of God and
the authority and dominion of His kingdom within “kills” everything that swims
in the “sea” of the bestial nature of the outer man of earth! Here, only one third is dealt with, which
can also indicate a partial
victory, the initiation of the triumph of the Christ within, but
when the last trump has sounded the mystery of God will be finished (Rev. 10:7). All the elect of the Lord will stand
whole, perfect, mature, and triumphant in the holy and glorious image of their
“And the third part of
the ships were destroyed.”
Ships are that which
cross the sea, and transport the necessities which supply the natural man all
that assists him to fulfill his desires, aims, and purposes. Ships are vehicles of commerce — goods,
food, wealth — by which the desires and ambitions of men are fulfilled and find
expression. Ships sail on the sea,
but are not the sea — as, for example, a gun is not a
murderer, but merely a vehicle often used by murderers. It is something without by which the carnal or evil intentions,
desires, and plans of men are carried out.
Let me illustrate. Suppose for a moment that I am the teacher
of a sixth grade science class. I
have in my mind a vast storehouse of knowledge about things scientific which I
wish to convey to my students — actually to transfer from my mind into their minds. I must find a vehicle, an instrument by
which I can transmit this knowledge. The
vehicle will be not just one thing, but a number of things. The first will be words. By words I can transfer knowledge from my
intellect into the intellect of the students. Another vehicle could be a blackboard and
chalk. Another might be movies. And, of course, more important than all — experiments! None
of these things are me, but they are vehicles used by me, vehicles
of transference — answering to the ships of the sea! Just as ships carry produce, raw
materials, and merchandise from one country to another, so the words, object
lessons, movies, and experiments transfer ideas from one person to another. Metaphorically, they are like ships!
Governments use many
metaphorical “ships” or “vehicles.” A
government is an authority, a rulership. But
in order to rule, there must be various agencies of that rule which transfer the
power from the governing body to the governed. Some of the “ships” of man’s
government are taxation, laws, police, judges, bureaucracies, government
agencies, and politicians. Armies also have many “ships,” ships of
tanks, airplanes, aircraft carriers, submarines, bombs, guns, etc. None of these are the army, but they are vehicles used by
the army to transfer the will and power of the government upon
the enemy!
In the religious realm there are many “ships,” ships of organizations,
buildings, programs, radio and television programs, schools, ceremonies, hymn
books, prayer books, confessionals, candles, incense, and a thousand more. The
natural mind is ever seeking something visible and tangible. Throughout the centuries the church
systems have accumulated a vast number of traditions, rituals, methods, and
techniques, each of them supplanting something of the living reality and power
of the Christ within. These things
have become so universal in the churches of the world, and in the lives of their
members, that there is no thought of ever being able to “run” the church and its
business without them! Generation
after generation, people have been raised up from childhood in this atmosphere
and have absolutely no knowledge of anything else or another way. It never even enters the minds of these
people that THE CHRIST is the Head of the church, He is the Life of the church,
and the whole sufficiency for the church, its people, its work, and its needs.
John saw the destruction of all
these religious ships later on in his visions and recorded it thus: “And the kings of the earth who have
committed fornication and lived deliciously with her (religious Babylon), shall
bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,
standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great
city Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come. In one hour so great riches have come to
naught. And every shipmaster, and all the company of ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and cried when they
saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on their heads, and
cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were
made rich all that had ships in
the sea by reason of her
costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate” (Rev. 18:9-10,17-19). The devastation of religious Babylon
includes not only the destruction of the system itself, but the burning up of all its “ships”!
The great lament of the
sailors of Babylon is that Babylon’s means
of commerce is ruined! This limits their ability to be about the
things that they do, their activities and way of life are impacted, devastated. Ah, my beloved, this has been and is being
fulfilled in the life of every son of God! The
spirit of truth has come to us as the burning mountain of the Lord’s authority
in our lives and has stripped away and purged from us all the old-order methods
and religious practices of the passing systems of man!
Yet — these religious
“ships” of the Babylon systems of man are not the same “ships” that are
destroyed at the sounding of the second trumpet, by
the burning mountain cast into the sea! The sea is not the soulical, religious
realm, but the lower body realm, the bestial nature of the natural man. Does not the flesh utilize a thousand
things to fulfill its desires and passions? The
message is just this — when the Lord comes in His kingdom authority to establish
His rule in our lives, one of the first things He begins to put His finger on is
the sins of the flesh. But not only does He deal with the sin
nature, He also wipes away all the outward things and activities which we
utilize to fulfill its lusts, to entertain the flesh, to pander to the flesh, to
promote the flesh, to indulge, satisfy, gratify, satiate, wallow and revel in
the flesh. When the burning mountain
of God’s holy fire has consumed the “ships” in the “sea” of our lives, we no
longer go to the places we used to go to, nor do we do the things we used to
do! Father cleans up our walk, He
purifies our life-style, establishing righteousness in all the outward
expressions of our life. Aren’t you
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning
as it were a lamp, and it fell
upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters: and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made
bitter” (Rev. 8:10-11).
As the trumpets
blow we see actions that originate out of the heavens of the spirit and enter
powerfully into the earth and the sea of our natural lives. The seven angels “stood before God” — the
same location of the “seven spirits” which are “before the throne” and are “sent
forth into all the earth.” The
“heavens” of God are within our spirit! It
is the realm of the spirit where God dwells and from whence He moves to redeem
and transform us in soul and body! The
trumpets sound out of the heavens, or the realm of the spirit! The hail and fire mingled with blood come
out of the heavens of the spirit within us, and are cast into our “earth,” or our soulical
life. The great mountain burning
with fire comes out of the spiritual heavens within and is likewise cast into
our “sea,” or the bodily, fleshly, lustful, and sinful dimension of our being. And now a great star falls from heaven,
burning as it were a lamp, and falls upon the third part of the rivers and fountains
of waters!
There is a very important
truth which we should all learn in this connection, and we will explain it as
well as possible here. How many
times throughout the scriptures the life of God is spoken of as a flowing stream
of water! “How excellent is Thy
lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men…shall be abundantly
satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the rivers of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life” (Ps. 36:7-9). The Lord Jesus tells us that the water that He gives will become a fountain of living water within us, springing up unto eternal life
(Jn. 4:14). He says again that
whoever is thirsty may come to Him and drink, and whoever believes into Him will
have rivers of living water flowing
from within him (Jn. 7:37-38). All
these words relate to one thing — that God Himself has flowed out and is still
flowing out on this earth into humanity AS LIFE!
On the day of Pentecost
the Lord poured Himself out as the Holy Spirit. “This
Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. Therefore having been
exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the
promise of the Holy Spirit, He hath poured
forththis which you both see and hear” (Acts
2:32-33, New American Standard). Notice
the word “poured” in these verses. He
“poured out” the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit became the flowing stream of the divine water
(spirit and truth) of life! For
twenty centuries since that time, the Holy Spirit has been flowing in this
world. This flowing has never stopped and it
shall flow throughout all the ages! It
shall flow until there is no place in the whole universe that has not been
bathed in its life-giving waters! God
has poured out His Holy Spirit, flowing with His divine life and His living
word! There is now a river, a
flowing of God’s life, and this flowing is the Spirit of God Himself, poured out
by the resurrected, ascended, and glorified Jesus, fulfilling the prophecy of
Zechariah the prophet: “In that
day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and uncleanness” (Zech. 13:1). This fountain is naught but the “head waters” of the
glorious river of life which in that long-ago beginning flowed
from Eden’s lovely garden, and now flows from the throne of God within our spirit!
In nature there is water
in every part of the atmosphere, but a “river” is a concentrated and channeled
current or stream of water. A river is a large stream of water that
flows downhill through a channel, within banks. Without a “channel” you can have no
“river”! While God’s presence, life, light, and
love, enfold and embrace all things, the river
of life is the flowing of God’s concentrated life, intensified and magnified as it were a
thousand times, flowing through a restricted area, concentrated in all its
fullness within the banks of that channel. This
concentrated stream of the absolute fullness of God’s divine life is the
wonderful river of life which holds the power of cleansing,
renewal, restoration, and transformation for all unto whom it flows! The powers contained within these waters
of life are incomprehensible to the natural mind, for they are the powers of
heaven’s own divine and incorruptible life! These
celestial waters contain the divine, wondrous ability to wash away the very power and effects and results of sin and death!
Every child of God should
seek that the Lord would open his eyes to show him that we who drink deeply of
Him BECOME THE CHANNEL by which God flows out unto humanity! God Himself is the wellspring, the eternal source of incorruptible life and glory; Jesus
Christ, the firstborn Son of God, is the fountain, the reservoir of this glorious life; and the sons of God are the river by which His life and glory shall be
communicated to all the arid barrenness of the earth-realm! That is the mystery. “And He showed me a pure river of the
water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Rev. 22:1). On the highest peak of the universe there
is a throne, one throne, it is the throne of GOD, and on that throne the blessed
Lamb is sitting. The Lamb is the
firstborn Son of God who stands
on Zion’s holy hill, followed by 144,000 redeemed ones who have put on the MIND
OF CHIRST and the NATURE OF THE FATHER. Mount Zion is but another figure for the
throne of God and the Lamb! And yet
the 144,000 overcoming sons of God are with the Lamb upon mount Zion! As
I mentioned above, God is the source of this water of divine and incorruptible
life and glory; the Lamb is the fountain or the reservoir of this glorious life;
and the 144,000 with the Lamb on mount Zion are the channel, the river through
which His life flows out. How can
mankind experience and know the divine and incorruptible life of God? Why, only in the river! The incorruptible body and the divine life of the manifest sons of God shall constitute that channel through which the stream of the fullness of God’s divine life is destined to flow
out unto all mankind and to the entire creation of God! Is that not why the whole creation is
standing on tiptoe, watching with bated breath to behold the wonderful sight of
God’s sons coming into their own! The
entire creation expectantly waits for the manifestation, the unveiling, and the outflowing of God
through His sons! Isn’t it
Oh! This is the river of God which
flows out of the throne! I would
remind you, however, that the rivers and fountains of waters which, at the
sounding of the third trumpet, are made bitter by the Wormwood, have nothing whatever to do with this
great river of God! That is the
great truth revealed in our text! These
are not heavenly, celestial waters flowing out of the throne of God — instead,
they are the rivers of earth. Not the literal springs and rivers
where people swim, boat, and fish, of course, but the rivers of man’s human life and man’s fallible word rather than God’s divine life and heaven’s
living word! Just as the Spirit of God and the living Word of God make up
the wonderful river of life in the kingdom of God, and flow out from God, so the
“spirit of the world” and the “word of man” comprise the carnal “rivers” and
“waters” of the earth-realm which flow out of the carnal minds and hearts of
natural men. No symbol of our human
experience is quite so suggestive as that of a river! Our very consciousness is only a changing
current, moving onward toward some distant and hidden sea.
The creeds, doctrines,
teachings, and philosophies of the church systems are not pure rivers of the
water of life from the throne of God. They
are polluted waters! Sometimes they
are not the truth at all, other times they are half-truths, misunderstood
truths, misapplied truths, or truth on a lower level. The church systems teach, for example,
that December 25 is Christ’s birthday, but it is not true. The preachers constantly chatter about the
imminent “rapture” of the saints — yet it is not true! The church systems insist that every man
who has lived and died on this planet without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
is eternally doomed and damned to the unending torments of a fiery hell. Another
lie of enormous proportions! In
sermons and songs they hold out the hope of a planet called heaven where the
Lord’s people will live in literal mansions, strum harps, and dance up and down
literal streets of gold forever, but with
carnal minds they mistake the symbol for the reality! Some teach the awful heresy of what is
called “limited atonement,” others teach “baptismal regeneration,” others claim
that there is no salvation outside of their church or movement; even some in
this message of sonship and the kingdom of God have proclaimed that if you are
not submitted in their particular group or order you can never be a son of God!
There are even those who teach polygamy as the divine order of God, while others
continually set dates for the coming of Christ or the end of the world. God help us! There
are “rivers” and “waters” of so-called truth that flow out of Mormon springs,
out of Scientology springs, Christian Science springs, New Age springs,
Spiritist springs, Buddhist springs, Moslem springs, Roman Catholic springs,
Hindu springs, Humanistic springs, and a thousand more. These are, one and all, but the rivers of Babylon! Can we not now hear the profound lament
and deep sob of the prophet who wrote the words of the Psalm, “By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we
remembered Zion. We hanged our harps
upon the willows in the midst thereof. For
there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that
wasted us required of us mirth, saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a
strange land?” (Ps. 137:1-4).
Let us return now to our
text. “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters.” The epithet “great” is attached to the
star that falls or comes down from heaven. It
must now be made clear to our hearts that this “great star” is none other than
the Christ who dwells within our spirit! He
has descended out of the heavens of God’s Spirit! “For
the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout…with the trump of God” (I Thes. 4:16). He descends at the sounding of the third trump! And He burns as a lamp! He is the Word of God! “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my pathway” (Ps. 119:105). The “great star” is a burning word of authority and power! It is Christ Himself, the Word of God, who
descends out of the heavens of the spirit to fall upon the soulical rivers and
upon the well-springs of imaginations, carnal knowledge, and worldly wisdom that
flow within our earthly, natural, human life and identity. These constitute the word and spirit of a
carnal realm — Christ falls upon these with His blazing word of Spirit and Truth
and turns them to wormwood — bitterness! By
that bitterness death is brought to that realm! Can you not see the mystery?
The Old Testament ends
with the glorious promise of the arising of the Sun of Righteousness. But the New Testament does not begin with
the Sun of Righteousness. Wise men
came from the East and walked down the streets of Jerusalem and said, “Where is He that is born King of the
Jews? For we have seen His star in the east.” Not the sun, but the star. God hung in the heavens something
supernatural, something new, something divinely glorious — a star. Many
foolish theories have been espoused as to what this star was. Some think it was a flying saucer! Others say it was a conjunction of the
planets! I must remind you, however,
that the star moved from east to
west, the wise men followed the star, and finally the star came to hang right over the house where the young
Christ child lay. There is no
conjunction of planets that can do any of those things! And out of the East, these men who had
been studying the stars, began to converge on Jerusalem. And if you think there were just three
little old wise men there, you need to read the story again. There were probably three hundred! I don’t think for one moment that three
men from Persia could have caused such a commotion in Jerusalem. Matthew says that at their appearance king
Herod was troubled — greatly disturbed — and THE WHOLE OF JERUSALEM WITH HIM. They came from every direction. They came
from all the countries of the mysterious Orient. And they said, “We have seen His star, and
we’ve come to worship Him.”
Now how did they come to
associate the coming of Christ with a star? If
you want to know where they got it you will have to get into the gondola of a
heathen prophet and go up with him. Back
in the book of Numbers this heathen prophet who had received a message from God
said this, “I shall see Him, but
not now: I shall behold Him, but not nigh: there shall come a star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall arise
out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab (type of the flesh)…out of
Jacob shall come He that shall have dominion” (Num. 24:17-19). “I shall see Him, but not now (the One of
whom I am speaking is not present yet): I shall behold Him, but not nigh (this
is not going to happen within the foreseeable future): there shall come a STAR
out of Jacob…” Out there in a pagan,
heathen land there was this prophecy to the Gentiles that a STAR was coming! They were to watch for a star, if you
please. They had that prophecy in that area of the world. They were looking for a star, and when
they saw it they converged on Jerusalem!
The star in chapter two
of Matthew’s Gospel is just the beginning of this matter in the New Testament. When we go to the last book, the book of
Revelation, we see two things: the first is that the Lord Jesus is the star, not the evening star but the Morning
Star (Rev. 22:16); secondly, we see that all the stars mentioned in the book are people! We have so frequently discussed the
symbolisms of the book of Revelation that there will be no need to remind those
who read these lines that every sentence in this marvelous book has a symbolical
and figurative significance and stands for some SPIRITUAL REALITY. The language of the Bible is the language
of symbols! The Morning Star is
mentioned twice in the Revelation and is involved with Jesus and the promise of
the Lord to the overcomers of God’s elect. “And,
behold, I come quickly…I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the
first and the last…I am THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR” (Rev. 22:12-16). “And he that overcometh…I will give him
the morning star” (Rev. 2:26,28).
Oh, yes! The elect of the Lord in this hour have
been given eyes to see this star and hearts to receive this star! What
is the star? The star is the LIVING
REVELATION, the QUICKENING VISION of the Christ wrought in the heart by the
illuminating activity of the Holy Spirit! The
star is not the dead letter of the word, nor the outer shell or husk of the
truth. Every man and woman who has
received the call to sonship has now passed beyond the knowledge of static
creeds and lifeless traditions, beyond empty ceremonies and impotent programs,
beyond man-made religious activities, and has been given the heavenly vision,
the celestial glow and gleam, the holy brightness and brilliance of THE STAR,
the vision of the glory and majesty of God in Christ that carnal concepts can
never reach!
The appearance of Christ
as the burning star which is a
lamp is a most glorious
manifestation of the Lord to His elect. It is amazing how one fresh word of
revelation from the Lord can change the whole course of our understanding and
give us renewed hope and a fresh vision of the necessary dealings and
processings of God in our lives to usher us onward into His perfection and
fullness. I have been inspired and
encouraged with this precious truth! This
is indeed a revelation of the Lord’s purpose and ways that has inspired within
new understanding, confidence, and anticipation of the full change of God’s sons
into the likeness of Jesus Christ and the glory that lies before! It
is my deep desire that all who read this message shall be encouraged in their forward walk in Christ.
The Morning Star is
promised to all who “overcome” and who walk with Christ in blessed submission to
the will of the Father. Inasmuch as
the Lord Jesus declared Himself to be “the Morning Star,” and He promised to give this Morning Star to all who overcome, it
is obvious that something unique and special of Christ is imparted to the Lord’s
faithful overcomers. This is a
“coming” of the Lord you will seldom, if ever, hear about from the teachers and
preachers of the church systems. The
television evangelists, who love to flaunt the “rapture” before their
undiscerning audiences, know nothing of this coming of the Lord as the Morning
Star! They know not what it means to us when the great star falls from heaven upon
the rivers and the fountains of waters of that earth which we are! But the giving of the Morning Star
involves an impartation of the Christ! The
Morning Star is a glory of the Christ within, as He burns like a lamp,
shining in the darkness of our natural consciousness, human reasoning, carnal
ideas, imaginations, concepts, beliefs, human reasoning, understanding, and
THE MIND OF CHRIST AND THE GLORY OF THE FATHER. During our spiritual growth unto full
stature, the Christ within has been developing from understanding to
understanding, from experience to experience, from strength to strength, from
hope to hope, and from glory to glory. And
now He comes to impart to a people the glorious hope of the new day — THE TOTAL VICTORY AND COMPLETE TRIUMPH
The “great
star” which is Christ, comes as a burning
lamp! This burning lamp is a burning word! The presence, glory, and word of
Christ falls into our carnal rivers and fountains of waters. These rivers and fountains of waters are
not in the “sea,” the lowest dimension of our nature, the passions and motions
of sin in the body. Rather, the
rivers and fountains of waters flow through our “earth,” the realm of the soul — the intellectual realm of knowledge
and understanding. The star that
falls upon the fresh water of earth results in the contamination of the waters! Not only the third part of the world of
rivers, but also the “fountains of waters,” that is, the water sources are polluted. Men often get their water supply from the
rivers of earth, which originate out of the
“fountains of waters” — which sometimes flow from the snows and glaciers of the
mountains, and sometimes are the underground springs and wells which flow out of
the earth. To contaminate or cut off
their “water supply” is to render men desperate and helpless, and even to insure
their sickness and death!
The “fountains of waters”
represent the sources of ideas, concepts, philosophies,
teachings, precepts, creeds, doctrines, traditions, observances, customs, and
laws — all the intellectual, moral, and religious influences of this world which are the sources from which men draw
their life, their natural joy and refreshment, their ways of thinking, their
understanding of the world, their vocations, life-styles, and relationships. “Rivers” suggest the flow of these ideas and beliefs as they are
taught, propagated, promoted, and assimilated into the minds, hearts, and
behavior of men. These waters flow
through school and college classrooms, seminars, television programs, books,
court rooms, political propaganda, church pulpits, cultural traditions, and a
hundred other places. Different
belief systems moving in intellectual, moral, and spiritual channels constitute
the outflowing of these “waters” as
“rivers.” If ever a purging was
needed, it is here! The fact that
Christ comes upon these earthly streams of worldly wisdom and carnal knowledge
and embitters them to the consciousness of His people is
indeed good news! Ray Prinzing once said it so well: “Bitter
as the wormwood might be that is used to purge out the error of tradition,
carnal concepts, the false images, etc., yet when He has finished this
tremendous judgment, ‘The earth
shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover
the sea’ (Hab. 2:14). God has appointed HIS CLEANSING AGENTS and
they shall be most effective in their working, and though bringing death to the
old, it also bespeaks of the preparation for the birthing of the new. Praise
Where there are rivers
there is a flow of life with vegetation, trees, crops, food, birds, and animals
of many kinds. Religion is a flow of
life in the soulish dimension of man. There
was a time in our life when it was a blessing to us to live in that realm, it
was a lamp unto our feet, and important to us in our progress from the Egypt of
the world to our promised land of the fullness of Christ. We received a certain level of life from
that realm! We were encouraged,
strengthened, and edified through the preaching, teaching, singing, clapping,
worship, sacraments, programs, concerts, activities, ceremonies, traditions,
etc. But as we follow on to know the Lord there comes a time when the Father
shines a greater light upon our pathway and soon we find
that all the streams and fountains which once gave us life, are turned to
bitterness and death for us! In the
light that the Spirit brings we are enabled to truly see the religious systems
of man for what they are! It
is the Lord who does this! Notice — “And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and…the waters became wormwood (bitter)” The star is Christ! It is Christ Himself who causes the
streams of our natural life, human understanding, worldly wisdom, and man’s
religion to be made bitter! “And
many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” Oh, yes! The very thing that was once life to us
has now become death! That is the
wise way and effective processing of the Lord in the lives of His elect!
Oh, yes, the Lord governs
even in those realms that He brings to an end within us. The government of man is not the purity of
the kingdom of God, yet we know that “there
is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God…” (Rom. 13:1). God governs from that level, nothing is
out of our glorious Father’s control or beyond His power or purpose. Our human identity, the knowledge of this
world, history, science, mathematics, technology, psychology, medicine,
government, politics, law, religion — all is ordained of God as steps and
instruments in the unfolding of His wise plan. There was a time when many of those things
meant much to us, there was a time when we followed the political scene,
supposing that democracy was God’s ordained system of government, and that if we
could just elect a president and congress with godly, Christian values, it would
somehow bring the kingdom of God in our nation. Well, at times we got the
leaders we thought God had sanctioned, but things got worse and the nation
continued to morally slip into hell! At
last the political waters became so bitter to us, and so polluted with death, as
our Father revealed the utter carnality and stupidity of man in it all, that we
turned from those waters with disgust. There
was a time when God blessed us through religion, it met a need in our lives in
the early stages of our walk with God, and we thought that was the way to reach
God and serve God. Religion had a
great influence in our earth as its streams flowed through our land with
blessing, encouragement, and excitement! But
one blessed day a great star from out of the high realms of the heavens
fell with mighty force upon the rivers and the fountains of waters of the
kingdom of Babylon within us, and in an instant of time they were filled with
wormwood and became terrible bitterness and death to us! This has also happened in the life of
every apprehended son of God!
Can you not see the
mystery? There is an ascending scale
in the Father’s dealings with His sons as one by one the angels blow and the
trumpets sound! At the sounding of
the first trumpet, hail and fire mingled with blood were cast into our “earth,”
and the trees, those deeply rooted things that grow out of our earthly nature,
and the grass, those surface coverings and masks in our lives which hide the
nature beneath from being seen for what it is, were burnt up, consumed by the
passion of God. This was the beginning of God’s work in
His called-out ones! When the
second trumpet sounded, a great mountain burning with fire was cast into our
“sea,” the sea became blood, and the lustful passions and gross sins of the
flesh (fish and sea animals) began to be destroyed. Even the ships, those things we employed
to indulge our flesh, were taken from us. And
now the third trumpet has sounded and the Lord is striking at the source of all the carnal streams of the spirit of
this world which have fashioned our lives according to man’s wisdom, but not
after the mind of Christ or the nature of God. It is an on-going work, from experience to
experience, from dealing to dealing, and from glory to glory! When all the seven trumpets have sounded
their message the mystery of God will be finished and all the holy sons of God
will stand in the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, truly
manifest before creation as the sons of the living God!
To be continued…
 Please send any inquiries or requests to: Kingdom Bible Studies PO Box 371240 El Paso, TX 79937-1240 Mark Eby for Kingdom Bible Studies. All writings are distributed on a free-will offering basis. |