“And when He had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the
altar the souls of them that had been slain…and they cried with a loud voice,
saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our
blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Rev. 6:9-10).
When the fifth seal was opened John heard the
voice of the souls of them that had been slain for the word of God, and for the
testimony which they held, crying out loudly, “How Long, O Lord, until Thou dost
judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” The way this is
worded in most of our Bible translations it sounds like a cry for revenge.
But I do not hesitate to tell you that there is no such cry heard in heaven!
And most assuredly not from the people of God who have had their natural-minded,
carnal, soulical heads chopped off! Furthermore, if this is the revelation of
Jesus Christ, they are not saying, “Lord, just how long is it going to be
until you really zap those people who have opposed us and who continue to walk
in an earthly, fleshly, and religious mind-set?” That is not the
revelation! We’re not saying, “O Lord, how long until you get fed up with this
foolishness and really give them what they deserve?”
We must constantly remember that also this
fifth seal, as well as all the others, represents a vision. And therefore we
are dealing with symbolism. As soon as we lose sight of this fact, we are apt
to ask all kinds of carnal-minded questions. Forgetting the fact that we have a
vision here, bespeaking a spiritual reality, we might, like most religious
folks, conceive of these souls under the altar as glorified souls in heaven, and
no more. Yet the question might be raised, do these saints in the glory of the
heavenly temple cry out for vengeance? Is it not true that before they
were thus “slain” they walked in the spirit of sonship as expressed by Jesus
when He said, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them
that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
that ye may be the sons of your Father which is in heaven” (Mat.
5:44-45). How then is it possible that now they invoke the wrath of God on
them, and that too, after they have lost their old carnal mind! Is there then
still carnality in the state where one has put on the mind of Christ? The
question we must ask is this: what is really the meaning, what is the reality of
the outcry of these souls under the altar? What is the essential idea of this
symbolism? As we shall presently see, they do not cry for fleshly vengeance,
This is in harmony with the whole book of Revelation, for the entire passage is
visionary and symbolic.
We are the souls under the heavenly, spiritual
altar who are crying out to the Lord, asking Him to bring forth true and
righteous judgment, to vindicate through us and because of us, the mighty work
He has wrought in our lives in preparation for the glorious manifestation of our
sonship. Most all Bible students have misunderstood the cry of these souls from
under the altar because of the faulty translation of the Greek word ekdikeo
as avenge — that is, retaliate with vengeance. The
first and primary meaning of the word, however, is “validate.” In every
language words carry various shades of meaning, they do not generally mean just
one thing in one way. Let us always remember that it is usage that best
determines the meaning of a word!
Now let me ask you. Have you ever felt
yourself to be in the beautiful presence of Christ? Have you ever seen anyone
in the spirit of the Christ who so loved the world, who gave Himself for the
world, who reconciled the world, have you seen anyone in the spirit of that
Christ threaten their tormentors with judgment, wrath, and personal revenge?
Does the Christ who prayed in the agony of Calvary,
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” now threaten
vicious retaliation against those who oppose and persecute us? The very
thought is an absurdity! It is Jesus Himself who taught us to love our enemies,
bless them that hate us, and pray for them which persecute us. That is the
spirit and law of the kingdom! And now — shall those whose self-life has
finally been completely slain within them by the very testimony of Jesus Christ
pray for Him to avenge their blood on them that dwell in the earth
realm? I don’t think so! In the light of these great truths it should
be clear to every spiritual mind that the Greek word ekdikeo must
carry here its primary meaning of VINDICATE.
Let us now consider some synonyms of the word
“vindicate.” It means to exonerate, justify, substantiate, confirm,
authenticate, attest, and validate. Vindication is the proof of the value of
ones innocence, cause or correctness. Vindication is furthermore a
validation! What these souls under the altar are crying out for is not
revenge, but for God to make the price they have paid worthwhile, to show to
those who dwell in the earth realm the true value and meaning of their lives, to
validate their call, attainment, and place in God BY MANIFESTING THROUGH THEM
blood on them” is the heartfelt cry of their hearts! Blood stands for
life, for the life is in the blood. Validate our lives on them
— let there be a transforming manifestation and ministry of life out from us
by which all men will see and know that we have paid this price to truly be sons
of our Father in order to be the salvation of God unto all the ends of the
What a mighty word we have received from our
Father! What deep dealings, what extreme processings, what intense
preparations, what severe strippings, purgings, and refinings, what profound and
crucial experiences, and what marvelous transformations we have passed through!
And yet the world knows us not. For most of us even our next door neighbors are
no more aware that we are sons of God than the people in
Nazareth were aware that Jesus was the firstborn Son of God. We are in that
same position Jesus was in just before His showing unto Israel. Jesus
experienced thirty years of unfolding revelation and mighty workings of the
Father in His life, yet those outside of Him perhaps thought Him strange, but
they had no idea of who He was, or what He was going through, or why. He had
never preached a sermon, had never performed a miracle, never healed the sick,
never cast out a devil, never raised the dead. But when He came out of the
wilderness in the power of the Spirit the Father began to validate who He
was! We know that we have received the call to sonship, we have received
the spirit of sonship, we have experienced the testings, trials, processings,
and even the scourgings that come to every son, yet we seem to have no more
power or impact on the world around us than anyone else, regardless of what
spiritual level they are on. We feel weak and helpless before the staggering
needs and momentous challenges that lie before us, for the whole world lies in
darkness under the bondage of sin and the curse of death, and yet in our deepest
hearts we know we have heard the Father’s voice, we have answered His call, we
are following the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, we have taken up our cross, we
are paying the price, and we are the sons of God!
These souls under the altar had pleaded that
their cause be at once vindicated, and had asked how long it would be before it
should be done. “How long, O Lord, holy and true, before you
judge our cause and vindicate our lives…” The reply is, that the desired
vindication would not at once occur, but that they must wait until other events
were accomplished. “It was said unto them that they should rest yet a little
season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be
killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” What words are these! Nothing
definite is determined by the phrase “a little season,” or a short time. It is
simply an intimation that this would not immediately occur, or would not
take place until all their brethren had paid the same price and attained the
same place. This answers a question I have often been asked through the
years. Many have inquired whether the sons will be manifested individually, one
by one, as they attain to sonship, or whether the sons will all be revealed
together at the same time. The answer is clear — the Father will not validate
any of us until all of us have come to perfection and full stature
in Christ! Should any who read these lines suppose they have now attained to
the fullness and are about to be manifested, you will certainly “rest a little
season” until the rest of us have caught up with you! The apostle Paul stated
it so succinctly, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we
are the sons of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and
joint-heirs with Christ: if so be that we suffer (pay the price) with Him, that
8:16-17). The work of God must be completed in all the sons of God
before the hour of manifestation arrives!
The cry of the souls under the altar is for
vindication, a validation of the work of God in their lives. The revelation of
Christ has been raised up within them, the seals have been removed, the flesh
man, the carnal mind, the soulical life, and all that they have held dear in the
outer world, and in the religious realms, has been brought to death, and the
word of the kingdom has been established within as their only hope, reality, and
destiny. The word of the kingdom and the revelation of our call to sonship has
been planted in the earth over the past sixty or more years. There has been in
this world a mighty declaration and proclamation by the prophets of God of the
purposes of God in His called and chosen elect! Those who have had ears to hear
have been filled with great hope and faith and vision to lay hold upon the
purpose of God to bring forth in the earth, in this new day of the Lord, the
greatest manifestation of God the world has ever witnessed, through the
manifestation of the sons of God. We have been faithful to declare a word
that has not yet been brought forth into evidence.
This word
of the kingdom is a word that is growing by leaps and bounds. It is not growing
because of the promotions of men, or the organized efforts of a movement, but by
the mighty working of the Spirit of God! More and more people are receiving the
call to sonship! The door that has been opened in heaven for sons to ascend to
the throne realm has not been closed! God is still forming, preparing, and
equipping a body of people, many sons brought to glory, to deliver creation from
the bondage of corruption and restore all things into God again.
There are some in our ranks, however, who believe that the
work is finished, they have arrived, the new day is fully here, they are even
now the manifest sons of God, there are no more heavens to pass through, no more
processing to be accomplished, no further word or working, they now stand upon
mount Zion in all the splendor of this high and holy realm of fullness and
kingship to which they have come. I have been in meetings where these
pseudo-sons have formed themselves into a mutual admiration society,
doing nothing but proclaiming to one another how great they are, and how high is
the realm to which they have attained, while they polish one another’s halos and
prune one another’s wings. According to them there is no need to wait for
another day, nor even to rest for a little season — this is the day. They have
arrived. The word they have is no longer fragmentary, but the full revelation
of God to which nothing can be added. There is nothing more to seek, nothing to
wait for, nowhere else to go in God. Tabernacles is now fulfilled in them, they
have passed beyond the veil and have now stepped out from behind the veil to be
manifested to creation. They are no longer climbing the holy mount of Zion,
for they now are mount Zion. They
don’t need to climb anything for they have gone as high as they can go in God.
The throne is theirs and they are even now reigning as Christ in the kingdom.
It is always a fatal mistake for any man,
regardless of who he is, to imagine that he has attained to a realm in God while
he is yet unable to manifest out of that realm. That mistake will make
him proud and bigoted in his delusions of grandeur and so set in his ways that
when God does indeed move on he will refuse to move with the cloud. My prayer
is that we will get beyond the declaration, and lay hold upon the
manifestation. That is the deepest cry of my heart in this significant
hour! No man’s experience is complete in any realm until there is the
manifestation of the reality wrought in him. There has to be a validity, an
evidence, an infallible proof of the word of the Lord through us. There has
always been evidence in the history of God’s movement from realm to realm.
Whenever God has sent forth a word announcing a new day, a new age, a further
unfolding of His purpose, He has clearly defined by a word of power that new
realm in God, that new place of attainment in the order of His kingdom.
When God has spoken that the time has come to
do away with the old, and press into the new; to throw the old order out, and
begin to walk in the new order; to step out of the dying age, and enter into the
reality of the new — He has always validated that word by mighty signs, wonders,
and miracles. Every new move of God from the foundation of the world was
attended by glorious manifestations of miracle working power! This new order of
manifest sonship will be no different!
Mighty things took place when Noah proclaimed
with power the destruction of an evil age and a corrupt world, condemning the
world and saving his household. Mighty were the signs that attended it! The
rain itself was a miracle of unprecedented proportions, with the breaking up of
the fountains of the deep, and a deluge of water that swept the face of the
whole earth. These signs and wonders were the validation of God’s
Abraham received a word from the Lord to leave
his country and his father’s house and go to a land that He would show him. God
promised to make his name great and to raise up to him a seed in whom the
promise would be fulfilled, and through whom all the families and nations of the
earth would be blessed. In order to validate His covenant with Abraham
He gave a sign — a son born in his old age when both his and Sarah’s
bodies were as good as dead. The birth of Isaac was a supernatural birth! The
miracle of Isaac was the validation of God’s promise! Think, too, of the
signs, wonders, and miracles when Moses led the children of
Israel out of Egyptian bondage! And then as Joshua led the people into their
promised land, consider the waters of the Jordan piling up like a wall, the
walls of Jericho falling down, the sun and moon standing still, and all the
other wonders of that new and glorious day! In each case the Lord was bringing
a new day, a new stage of His dealings in the earth, and the wonderful miracles
and signs were the validation of His promises to His servants! And then
when Jesus came into this world to again change the age, He came as “a man
approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which
God did by Him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know” (Acts 2:22).
And then the day of Pentecost came and the apostles of God
went forth who by “the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost” turned
the world up-side-down! The record states, “So then after the Lord had spoken
unto them, He was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and
confirming (validating) the word with signs following” (Mk.
16:19-20). These signs were the proof that Jesus had risen from the dead,
ascended to the throne of the Father in the heavens, and come again within His
many-membered body in mighty spirit power. The signs and wonders wrought by the
apostles were the foundational proof that Jesus was not just another false
Messiah. Jesus wasn’t the only one in His day saying that he was the Messiah!
There had been many before Him proclaiming themselves as the promised One.
There were others, contemporary with Jesus, making the claims of Messiahship.
After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension the Jews followed many false
Messiahs just as Jesus had foretold (Mat. 24:5). According to the Jewish
historian, Josephus, in the first century before the destruction of the temple
in A.D. 70, a number of Messiahs arose promising deliverance from the Roman
yoke, and finding multitudes of followers. Then in A.D. 132 Bar Kokba, one of
the most prominent of the pseudo-messiahs, was hailed as Messiah-King. In
crushing the revolt that he led, Roman soldiers killed thousands of Jews. There
were many false Christs! Jesus was only one voice among many.
The great difference was that God gave to Jesus the
evidence of His sonship! He let Him have proof. He manifested
through Jesus a ministry that surpassed any other ministry of His day! All that
the other Messiahs had were personality and words. But everywhere Jesus went He
did things that no one else could do. He healed every manner of sickness and
disease; devils were cast out of many, crying out with loud voices,
acknowledging His sonship; He raised the dead; He commanded the elements,
grasped the winds in His fists, and calmed the raging sea with a word; He fed
five thousand men with five loaves and two fish; He walked the sea; He did so
many marvelous works that were they all written the world could not contain the
books that could be written! You see, my beloved, God sent His firstborn Son
into the world with the proof, the evidence, the confirmation, the vindication,
the validation the He was indeed the Saviour of the world.
We are no different! It makes no difference
whatever how many people say we need no evidence of our sonship beyond the
revelation of who and what we are, and the little day to day blessings and
victories that come our way by faith. But creation will see proof of your
sonship or your sonship isn’t worth a hill of beans! If we are to do anything
in this day it is not to continue our declaring, but to cry out mightily to God
from under the altar that He would vindicate the revelation
of His Son in us so that all the ends of the earth might see the
salvation of the Lord! All of our revelation and all of our declaration is for
naught until we are ready to let God make us the sign and the wonder unto
It should be clear to any thinking mind that
the great purpose in the signs, wonders, and miracles was to validate the
ministry of the One who had come to bring an end to the age and order of the law
and initiate and inaugurate the new age of grace. He was bringing one age to a
close and ushering in a more glorious age upon the whole world of mankind.
Christ came making declarations of an order about which the world, and the
people of God, knew absolutely nothing. He made declarations of the
kingdom of God,
that it was even then at hand. He made declarations that He would be killed and
on the third day He would rise again. He made declarations that He had come
down from the heavenly world and that He would return thither again. He made
declarations that He Himself was the way, the truth, and the life, and that from
this day forward no man would come unto the Father except by Him. He
made declarations that He was the revelation of the Father, and if you had seen
Him you had seen the Father. He made declarations that except men eat His flesh
and drink His blood they have no life in them, and whosoever eats His flesh and
drinks His blood shall never die. He made declarations that if He was lifted up
upon the cross He would draw all mankind unto Him. He made declarations that He
would build His church and the very gates of hell would not prevail against it.
He made declarations that all who are in their graves shall hear the voice of
the Son of God and they that hear shall live.
That’s pretty heavy stuff! It had nothing to
do with delivering Israel
from the dominion of Rome,
but it had everything to do with saving the world and delivering creation from
the bondage of corruption! These are things no one could say and expect people
to believe them. The claims of Jesus seemed, to the natural mind, outlandish,
preposterous, implausible, unreasonable, illogical, extravagant, incredible —
impossible! Some who heard Him said that He had a devil. Others thought He was
beside Himself. He was just another mad man, a crazy kook. But multitudes
followed Him and His disciples went forth in His name and turned the world
upside down! What made the difference? Jesus had more than words — He had
power! The difference was marked by the signs, wonders, and miracles! Some
tell us today that we don’t need any signs, wonders, and miracles, that these
are old-order and no sign of sonship. It disgusts me to hear these breezy
preachers declaring their sonship while denying its evidence and proof. JESUS
miracles were the evidence, the proof, the validation of HIS
The sonship which God has planned for this day
cannot be less than that of the proto-type, the pattern, the firstborn, the
forerunner, and the glorious Head of the order of sons! Sonship without
supernatural power has a wonderful appeal to the carnal mind which has no
incentive to wait upon God for the ultimate reality, but chooses to lay claim to
a lesser glory while presumptuously concluding that it has attained to the
fullness. Don’t go out, my beloved, every time you hear a declaration of those
who assert that they have attained the full stature of sonship. Jesus has
taught us, His younger brethren, “If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not
true.” Many today are bearing witness of themselves! They claim to be
manifested sons, but the only way we can know they are sons is by taking
their word for it. Don’t call it a lie, but don’t take what they say at
face value until you see the evidence!
When the hour arrived for Jesus to be
manifested to
Israel as the Son of God with power, the Father Himself bore witness of
Him. A voice came from heaven proclaiming, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I
am well pleased.” The Holy Spirit without measure descended upon Him bodily
like a dove and the heavens were opened unto Him. Forty days later He came out
of the wilderness and returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee. Matthew’s
Gospel tells us that “Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in
their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all
manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. And His fame
went throughout all
Syria: and they brought unto Him all sick people that were taken with divers
diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those
which were lunatic, and those which had the palsy; and He healed them. And
there followed Him great multitudes of people from Galilee, and from
Decapolis, and from Jerusalem,
and from Judea, and from beyond
Jordan” (Mat. 4:23-25).
I’m telling you, dear ones, there is coming to
us the evidence, there is coming a manifestation, a display, a showing, an
exhibit, a presentation, a demonstration, an expression, a substantiation, a
certification, a vindication, a verification, a validation — the proof
of our manifest sonship! It will no longer be just a bunch of people declaring,
declaring, declaring, but there shall be a change, a transfiguration, an
out-raying, an unveiling that is verifiable, so that there is no doubt about it
that this is the day of the Lord! All creation shall see and behold the
nature, glory, majesty, and power of God revealed in His many sons brought to
glory! The evidence is not for me or you — it’s for creation! Creation must
see the salvation of the Lord! “For the earnest expectation of the creation
waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Rom. 8:19).
“Even creation waits with eager longing for the sons of God to be revealed”
(Moffatt). “The whole creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight
of God’s sons coming into their own” (J. B. Phillips).
Sonship will one day move out of our little
groups and out of the individual seclusion of our personal “Nazareth”
where God has hidden us away. This word of the kingdom shall break out into the
multitudes and it shall come upon them in the power and demonstration of
the fullness of the Holy Spirit! Nothing less will avail. Nothing else
will do. Nothing short of this will bring the kingdom of God
to pass in all the earth. Nothing less will break in pieces the kingdoms of
this world. Nothing else will burn Babylon with fire until the whole religious
system of man lies in total and eternal ruin. Nothing short of this will
obliterate from the earth all the false religious systems of Christianity,
Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Hinduism, Judaism, and all the other
isms of the world. Nothing else will break the bondages, set the
captives free, remove the veil that is cast over the face of all nations and all
people, break the power of sin, sickness, sorrow, limitation, and death in every
man, and truly deliver the creation from the bondage of corruption.
If anyone thinks these wonderful things can be accomplished without signs,
wonders, or miracles; without healing the sick, casting out devils, raising the
dead, controlling the elements, confounding the mighty, and speaking the power
of divine life into men, then he is indeed among the most self-deceived.
The sons of God have been declaring for
decades, “A change is coming, a new order is at hand.” The question follows —
What is that change? I have passed through the declaration that “God has
brought us into a new order” again and again throughout the past sixty years!
And yet I must confess, not much has really changed. Some brethren get a new
depth of revelation and declare they have entered a “new order” in God, yet I
heard the same word of revelation and the same proclamations of a new order
fifty years ago! By the word of the Lord I say to God’s precious elect, a
dramatic change and a glorious new order is coming! And it will
begin with the Father’s public announcement of His sons, to show them
unto creation! Jesus’ sonship ministry could not begin until the day the
voice came from heaven, in the hearing of the multitude of men by the Jordan River,
declaring, “This is my beloved Son!” The change is the Father’s
validation and vindication of our sonship, not in our little secret
gatherings, but before great masses of humanity as the Father Himself
speaks out of the heavens, saying, “These are my beloved sons, in whom I
am well pleased!” This will be followed by the fullness of sonship
anointing released in our lives, bringing first within ourselves the
quickening of the Spirit by which we receive the redemption of our bodies.
“But ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves
groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption (the placement as sons), to
wit, the redemption of our body” (Rom.
8:23). J. B. Phillips beautifully translates this, “It is plain…that we who
have a foretaste of the Spirit are in a sort of painful tension, while we wait
for that redemption of our bodies which will mean that we have realized our
full sonship.” Then shall the sons of God go forth in all the wisdom,
understanding, glory, and omnipotence of God to change all things and make all
There will be a people upon this earth who
will not lay their bodies down, they will not go by way of the grave, for the
promise is sure, “Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep,
but we SHALL ALL BE CHANGED!” (I Cor. 15:51). What do the words of Paul
mean to you, saint of God, when he speaks concerning this change, saying, “Who
shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned
like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He
is able even to subdue all things unto Himself” (Phil. 3:21). I tell you, God’s
called and chosen elect are not walking in the same light or the same hope as
the old-order church world. This earth is about to be visited by a race of men
out of the heavens of God’s Spirit, a company of incorruptible and immortal men
who shall stand upon this planet in the power of His resurrection.
We are not called to do what any people before us has done. Oh, yes! Men will
be saved, healed, delivered, sanctified, filled, blessed, changed, transformed,
and empowered through the ministry of the sons of God. Oh, yes! Signs,
wonders, and miracles will be done on a scale never witnessed since Jesus of
Nazareth walked the pathways of Galilee — and not even then — for “the works
that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall YE DO.”
But even the signs, wonders, and miracles are not the final phase of the
validation of our sonship ministry. The firstborn son of God truly did all
those wonderful works, and multitudes beheld His glory. But Jesus went on to do
RESURRECTION BODY OF GLORY! Oh, yes! He did! That was the final validation,
proof, and vindication of His sonship as clearly stated in the words of the
apostle, “Concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed
of David according to the flesh: and declared to be the Son of God
with power…by the resurrection from the dead” (Rom.
1:3-4). Can we not see by this pattern of the firstborn Son that the redemption
of the body is indeed the DECLARATION OF THE SONS OF GOD WITH POWER!
As we walk in the spirit of sonship there is
arising within us a life that is swallowing up all death, all darkness, all
corruptibleness within us, in spirit, soul, and body. I care not how
much revelation you have; I care not how articulately, anointedly, and
powerfully you can enunciate the high things of God; I care not how many goose
bumps you can raise or how many shouts of glory and hallelujah you can stir;
there is one thing, and one thing only, that I am looking for as the final
validation, and that is the same validation that Jesus Christ Himself gave — AN
EMPTY TOMB! The proof of His sonship was that He could take His body into the
darkness of the tomb, thoroughly dead, tightly bound in grave clothes, and
Himself raise it up into a body of glory, incorruptibility, and deathlessness.
This didn’t happen to His spirit, beloved, it happened to His body!
That, and that alone, in the final analysis, declares Him to be the Son of God
with power! When the disciples ran to that tomb, the evidence, the validation
was there, nor could they even find Him except He appeared before them. This
will be the final step in the process of the validation of all who are called to
sonship — NO MORE DEATH! Then, and only then, will we be able to fulfill the
true ministry of the manifest sons of God — TO DELIVER ALL CREATION
FROM THE BONDAGE OF CORRUPTION. It is indeed wonderful!
This is the hour when the sons of God must
face squarely the truth of all things. Have you ever asked yourself the
question, “If Jesus abolished death and brought life and immortality
to light (II Tim. 1:10),
why are men still dying?” If Jesus accomplished everything He
would ever accomplish, and we’re just to rest in His “finished work,” then I
must think deeply and ask myself, “If it is all finished, then why, two thousand
years later, is the whole human race still bound by the power of sin, sorrow,
disease, fear, torment, deception, delusion, and death? And why are God’s
redeemed people still dying? WHY!” The divine answer is that there is still to
come forth another son, a son company, a corporate son, the many
brethren of Jesus Christ, conformed to His image, matured unto His stature,
transformed into His likeness, filled with His mind, wisdom, and power, and
raised up into the glory of His resurrection! The seed was planted at Pentecost
and throughout the age God has been watching over that seed to bring it to
maturity as the many-membered son of God in the earth.
For these manifest sons all creation has been
groaning and travailing together in pain until now! These sons will stand in
the earth in all the splendor of the resurrected Christ to reveal all that God
in Christ has provided for mankind. We shall see walking this earth a vast
company of begotten sons who have laid hold upon the fullness of Christ’s
redemption. They will not fly away to heaven, but remain here upon planet earth
to manifest full redemption in resurrection life and this is the life they shall
give to all mankind. Isn't it wonderful! These sons shall have a word that
will reconcile the ages, a word that will bring light out of darkness, strength
out of weakness, holiness out of sin, life out of death, that will transform the
condition of men; a word that will do for all men what God did for one Son two
thousand years ago, and shall in this blessed hour do for His many sons. Christ
gives this life to His many brethren, and His many brethren shall impart it to
all the ends of the earth. What a plan!
Is it here yet? No, my beloved, it has not yet appeared. But it is
right on the horizon, it lies just before us, and though it tarry we will wait
for it, because anything less is just more of the same. We are all keenly aware
that what we’ve had, including all our declaring of our sonship, has not got
the job done. The world is still going to hell in a hand basket! We’ve
heard the declaration — now where is the manifestation? If you think the
declaration is God’s new thing, you are dead wrong. The problem with the
declaration is — we’ve declared ourselves! Now there must come the Father’s
declaration followed by the Father’s validation. I’ve been in this word of the
kingdom for most of my life and I’ve heard my share of declarations, men have
declared themselves mature, the finished handiwork of God, manifested sons,
immortal and deathless, reigning now over the nations, the order of Melchizedek,
their divine godhood, and other things so bizarre I won’t even mention them.
MANIFESTATION! I refuse to settle for anything less. There is coming a glory
and power of God that will make Pentecost look like a firecracker in contrast to
an atomic explosion. There is a glory coming to this latter house that will
exceed the glory of the former house. Now notice — the former house had a glory
and it had a validity, and until the latter house was filled with its glory the
former house was the only glory that was valid. We are today like David before
he ascended the throne to reign over
Israel, he had already received a declaration from Samuel the prophet that he
was anointed the king of Israel. He had even had the oil poured on his head!
But he was still invalid as long as Saul sat upon the throne. So he became an
outlaw with a band of outlaws. Eventually, however, that old order passed and
David, although he had the declaration, had to have the actual outward
validation of his kingship in a second and greater ceremony of anointing, with a
procession into Jerusalem, and at last physically occupying the throne of
Israel. Oh, the wonder of it!
This is a spiritual picture of the validation of the sons
of God! When the validation takes place the Day will declare who the sons of
God really are! Hold still, precious brother, sister, hold your peace in this
hour of solemnity, abide in the life of the Christ within, stay in your place
with the outlaws of the wilderness, treasure the beautiful hope and promise of
your sonship, stagger not in unbelief, do not come out until the hour appointed
of the Father when He will move for you, in you, and through you in His
unmistakable and irrefutable validation of surpassing glory!
“And white robes were given unto every
one of them” (Rev. 6:11).
This verse is full of gracious thoughts.
Souls do not need white robes, but our symbolic book is teaching us of the
assured and blessed state of those who lose their own lives so that Christ can
be raised up in them. Nothing is more frequently spoken of in these visions
than the “white robes” of the Lord’s elect, and these robes are obviously theirs
by virtue of their overcoming. It is the robe of the priesthood, and those who
are called to the high calling of God in Christ are made kings and priests unto
God! It is the robe with which the faithful remnant in Sardis had been arrayed
even before they are introduced to us, for they had not “defiled” it, and the
Lord Jesus says of them, “and they shall walk with me in white, for they are
worthy” (Rev. 3:4). Again, the promise to everyone in that church that
overcometh is that he “shall be arrayed in white garments.”
In like manner the Laodicean church is
exhorted to buy of her Lord “white garments” that she may be clothed.
And when the marriage of the Lamb arrives it is said of the bride that “it was
given unto her that she should array herself in fine linen, clean and white,
for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints” (Rev. 19:8). The
spirit of revelation has taught us that the Bridegroom is Christ, not Christ in
heaven, but the Christ within, in our spirit, and the bride is the feminine
dimension of our life, the soul. Perhaps we have been casual in reading these
precious truths, so let us prayerfully consider the deep mystery encoded in
these wonderful words. You will note that it is the “souls” under the altar to
whom are given the “white robes,” and it is the “soul-bride” to whom it is
granted to be “arrayed in fine linen, clean and white.” It is always the
soul which is clothed in the fine linen of Christ’s righteousness! The
white robe is the clothing of Christ in our spirit as He overshadows us,
swallowing us up into Himself! Thus, it is the blessed and intimate union
of soul and spirit within ourselves that brings us to the marriage of the Lamb!
Putting all these passages together, we are distinctly taught in the language of
the Revelation that the “white robe” denotes the perfect righteousness of
Christ, and the excellent glory of Christ, which is bestowed upon every
overcoming saint of God who puts on the Lord Jesus Christ!
Paul has admonished every saint of God to
put on the Lord Jesus Christ. The term “put on” is from the Greek enduo
meaning “to get dressed,” to put on Christ as a garment. The Lord Jesus,
in the days of His flesh, wore a very special garment that was seamless
19:23). The garment of Jesus was not made of parts — it was a whole. This is
indeed a parable! Spiritually it means that the Christ we are to put on is not
composed of parts. We are not to put on a part of Christ, but the whole Christ,
without even a consciousness of parts, but the totality of who He is! When we
speak about the garment of the Lord we speak of His nature being expressed and
revealed outwardly. The scintillating glory of Christ revealed upon us
and through us in the totality of all that He is signifies the
manifestation of the sons of God!
God from the beginning has been involved in
making clothes. “Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of
skins, and clothed them” (Gen. 3:21). In the heaven blest mists of
Eden clothes did not exist! The nakedness of Adam and Eve speaks to us of man’s
innocence. Adam was created in the image and likeness of God, but he was not a
mature son of God, for he was young and inexperienced. Had he been
mature he would not have listened to the serpent’s voice and disobeyed the word
of his Father. Adam was like a little child — innocent and inexperienced. He
did not know good and evil, neither did he understand the true value of life.
He could in no way appreciate the sad result of his unwise choice, for he was
untested, untried, and unproved.
The purpose of clothing is to cover.
The clothing also reveals who we are! Most of us appear much more beautiful or
handsome when we are well dressed than we do in the nude! From the earliest
dawn of history clothing reflected the status of a person’s life. Kings,
priests, judges, nurses, mechanics, store clerks, and a thousand other vocations
are recognized by the clothing they wear. Even beggars can be identified by the
clothing they wear. Who wants to go shopping for beggar’s clothes? The
clothing, you see, represents the status of our life! Clothing speaks of who we
really are! Is it not therefore a marvelous thing that our heavenly Father has
made us a garment to wear! The coat of skin that God has made for us is
Christ Himself. He brought Him forth as flesh upon the earth. He
secured the raw material for our divine garment. He then transformed that man
of flesh into a sinless, holy, pure, overcoming, death-defying, immortal,
glorious, glistering garment of Light! He has presented that garment to us in
our spirit, for “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.” And now
our soul and body are “putting on” the heavenly garment of Life and Light!
Unless He clothes us, we are not fit for the
kingdom of God.
The kingdom of God
is the government of God, and those who represent the government of God are
kings and priests who reign with Christ! Even Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed like we shall be, for our garments shall make the wise king's raiment
appear as filthy rags. Oh, yes! The Lord shall indeed clothe us in the
brilliant incorruptible raiment of the King of the kingdom, the Christ life. We
are learning that we cannot do one thing to clothe ourselves with the garments
of His Life. Certainly we must seek the Lord, trust Him completely, and yield
to His moving in our lives. Other than that we are powerless to change
ourselves! Yet God is moving in us to bring about the change. “To her it was
granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white.” What
a word that is!
This white raiment is not the imputed
righteousness that is given to us when we receive Christ as Saviour. You
will note that the Lord, in the book of Revelation, sent seven letters to seven
churches. To them He said, “He that overcometh, the same shall be
clothed in white raiment.” Therefore, He is speaking to people who have
already received the imputed righteousness to their account! Though
righteousness has been imputed to them through faith in Jesus, there is yet
another white raiment that is obtained only through overcoming. This is
not the imputed righteousness of Jesus as Saviour, but the actual
righteousness which God is bringing us to as our state of being, that
perfect walk in Christ, His nature and glory raised up in us as our very own
life, that perfection that He is bringing us to, fulfilling the words of Jesus,
“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
The miracle of what God has done through Jesus
Christ ravishes my heart. I am enthralled beyond measure that He has translated
me out of the kingdom of darkness, and is clothing me with the fullness of the
Son of God. Daily I am putting on the Lord Jesus Christ who is my robe of
righteousness and my house from heaven, the new man, the spiritual body, and the
new building of God, eternal in the heavens. Just as the life within a lamb
produces from within its covering of wool, so does the life of Christ within
each son of God create the garments of our full salvation. We put on the robe
of Christ’s righteousness, not by putting it on from outside ourselves, by our
own self-effort, keeping rules and regulations, and good works, but by the
working and power of His life within.
I thank God today that there is a
righteousness, a divine righteousness that God can raise up within men, and
which can exalt a man to the image and likeness of God. In no other way can men
ever be exalted or lifted up out of the power of sin, self, sorrow, limitation,
and death. Thank God for the imputed righteousness of Christ — it is
sufficient to remove your sin-consciousness and bring you into fellowship with
God. But it is not enough to make you an overcomer, perfect, mature, in the
full stature of Christ. Men get all hung up on the imputed righteousness of
Christ and never get on to the business of transformation into the image of
God. They major in milk, but have no meat. They get men started, but never
grow them up!
So I gladly and thankfully this day record
this truth that the righteousness of which I speak is the righteousness of God,
which by faith we may possess; not only a righteousness imputed, in which we can
trust for the beginning of our salvation, but a righteousness IMPARTED, INWORKED
All very good is all this talk about imputed righteousness, but I cannot —
will not — settle for a righteousness that is only imputed. If it is not the
very nature of our being then we are not really changed at all!
The white raiment that is not and cannot be
defiled, soiled, or stained, is the garment of glory — being a part of
that inheritance which is incorruptible and fadeth not away. This is the
garment of the overcomer of which the Lord speaks, “and they shall walk with me
in white, for they are worthy.” The Greek word here translated
“white” actually speaks more of the brilliant radiance of light than it
does of a color. It is the same word which is used of the appearance of Christ
at the time of His transfiguration as “white and glistering.” Actually, what is
being said here is that those who overcome will be clothed upon with the radiant
glory of the risen and ascended Lord! Just as He is robed in celestial light
(Ps. 104:2), so we are progressively being clothed from glory to glory with
light as with a garment. The words used carry the sense of shining in intense
whiteness, in a dazzling heavenly glory. A vesture of light would enclothe the
overcomer and the glory of the celestial realms would be his garb. In that
great day when we shall perfectly image and out-ray the exact likeness of God in
the fullness of our sonship, we, too, shall be clothed in glistering garments of
white light. We who “walk in the light as He is in the light” shall show forth
the glory of God through our incorruptible bodies of glory!
God is calling a people in this hour beyond
profession to possession. It is easy to embrace the message of
sonship and the kingdom
of God,
and presume that by the very revelation of it we have somehow attained, but to
be a son of God one must truly and fully put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
It should be clear to all who have eyes to see that when the scripture makes
such statements as, “put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,” “put on the whole armor
of God,” “put on the armor of light,” “put on thy beautiful garments, O
Jerusalem,” “be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven,” these cannot
be put on the outer physical body, they must be put on in a spiritual way over
the nature of the natural man. Those who have put on Christ bear the image,
likeness, and identity of Christ! They are truly and sincerely living and doing
always the pure and perfect will of their Father in heaven, just as the
firstborn Son of God did.
What a calling!
To be

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Kingdom Bible Studies
PO Box 371240
El Paso, TX 79937-1240
Mark Eby for Kingdom Bible Studies.