‘re-thinking’ some of the parables … No.13/3 of 9



NO HOPE   John 4:43-54


In the same way that Jesus was not fully accepted in His ‘home’ territory compared to when He was away from home, many today with a Kingdom-word find themselves in a similar predicament. He now returns to Cana, to the people who received Him where the water was changed into wine. Having received a revelation that has truly blessed us, it seems that our hunger is released and we are then ready for more. Is that right?


Whenever the scripture speaks of a ‘certain’ place or a ‘certain’ person or ‘certain’ occasion, there is always a special lesson that the Spirit, our Teacher, desires to impart. Here we meet a ‘certain’ Nobleman who, according to the meaning of his title, is a Courtier probably serving King Herod. He had a good job and basically all that he needed. One thing, however, was amiss in his life and he could do nothing about it: his son was very sick and would most likely die. This was his heir who would, no doubt, grow up and take his place in Herod’s Court in due time.

Jesus was now in Galilee (which means ‘circle’) thus picturing for us that there could be some folks going round in circles and not progressing like they should ; nevertheless in such a place, there was a hunger for life, truth and reality. How do we know that ? They were talking about what Jesus had done. This father was with his son in Capernahum by the sea of Galilee.


He had NO HOPE! He was at his wits-end as to what to do. He had been listening to the reports of the miracles that had recently been done by Jesus and those reports had stayed with him. When he heard that Jesus was back in Cana, he decided to seek Him out and ask for help. Jesus was his only hope. Without Him, his young son would die and never grow up and stand by his side as a man. All those plans he had made for his son would be in vain. It took a desperate situation to open this Nobleman’s (h)EAR(t) ! So. . . He heard, he went, he sought . . . his situation made him a man of faith and action!


Jesus poses a question for him to test out his motive. Did he just want to see a miracle for himself? Could he be a spy from Herod’s Court? Did he just want to be noticed by the Preacher? When we purpose or decide to do a certain thing, it is good to stop for a moment and test our motive. It almost came across quite sternly from Jesus: Except you see signs and wonders, you won’t believe!


The Nobleman passed the test and showed that his motive was compassion for his son and nothing else. Compassion, we know, always motivated Jesus — the mark of a true King. This CERTAIN Nobleman cared not for his reputation (A Courtier from Herod’s Palace seen talking with Jesus, who had a questionable reputation as far as the Palace was concerned!). He actually testified by addressing Jesus as “SIR”, that he put Jesus in the Supreme Place of Authority . . . yes, even above that of Herod. He didn’t care who heard him say it. His true love for his son brought forth a faith in him that just had to be acted upon.



Jesus simply answered, Go thy way, thy son liveth. Jesus didn’t actually go to his house as requested but He spoke the word that had life in it. This CERTAIN Nobleman heard it and believed it. Jesus spoke a prophetic ‘word’ concerning his son. Jesus referred to the child as ‘son’ (‘huios’, mature son) and this brought forth the faith to believe that his little lad (paidia is a child between 4 and 12 years of age) would live to become a mature son. The Nobleman then headed home. His servants, whose place it was to stay at home, came to meet him. They came because of the good news that they had experienced. They just couldn’t wait to tell their master that his son (lad) is alive and well.



When, not ‘what’ was his question. The answer showed him that it was the same time that Jesus had spoken the word into his heart. It was The seventh hour when he started to AMEND and take the first step towards maturity or perfection. That was the desire that the Lord Jesus had — not only to see him well but grown up . The word ‘amend’ means to take hold of or possess. . . (i.e. to start to take hold of zoe life) see Ephesians 4:15, ‘. . .speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, Christ.



This account is a PARABLE for us today because all scripture is profitable for us where we are. Jesus said that He would only speak to the people with parables. We are blessed with a whole Bible full of parables. We need however, the Holy Spirit to teach us ALL things (John 14:26).



The number ‘7’ stands for what is complete and perfect. It is the seventh hour right now and His desire for us, His children, is that we grow up from being a ‘PAIDIA - child’ to a ‘HUIOS - son’. We desperately need His touch, His healing of our whole being (thinking) that His word might get through to us — that we might believe it and see the fruition of that word in us as we put on His image and likeness.


Our Father is on His way and sees us as ‘huios’ sons who will show forth His likeness; but we have to grow up from thinking ‘paidia’ thoughts that do not pertain to life. The Proverbs 23:7 principle, ‘As a man thinketh, so is he.


The effect of just one word received from Jesus and that word believed by the one who hears it, is that the whole house (Church) can enter into a new realm of believing. The family that had ‘NO HOPE’ for this life coming to MATURITY, heard and received hope. We, the Church, need a sure word in this seventh hour to bring forth that same HOPE — that the Man-child-Son in her house shall live to become fully mature showing Father’s nature, resources and power — thus be fully equipped for the High Calling of God.§




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