‘re-thinking’ some of the parables … No.13/5 of 9



NO FOOD   John 6:1-14


Verse 14 … When they had seen SEMEION … miracle-sign …

This is an account of some hungry people and how their need was met. Jesus was declaring LIFE by both word and action. People were desiring that rare thing, so they followed Jesus because they had seen what He can do. He went ahead to a higher place up a hillside and the hungry-for-more followed Him to that place. They did not ask Him to come to where they were! They came. . . they stood. . .they heard . . . it had been a long day. Jesus knew that they were hungry and these ones did not need a committee meeting to discover that fact!



Jesus wanted to expose in Philip his tendency to first turn to the natural realm for the answer of how they were to meet these folks’ needs. Jesus knew that the disciples had access to (200) pence. Philip knew that the amount of these resources would only give the people a snack. How many times have God’s people been fed with a snack on a Sunday morning? They just turn up unprepared expecting to receive a meal! Hey, ‘Philip-people’ your natural word and action are insufficient for this occasion. Philip looked to himself to meet the need, which was right; but Jesus was going to teach them ‘a more perfect way’. Andrew, listening to this discourse, had a little more wisdom. He noticed that Jesus started this conversation and therefore he just knew that money wasn’t the answer this time. Maybe in his spirit there was an expectancy that Jesus would perform another miracle. What made the young lad (Child in the Greek - under 12 years of age) go to Andrew with his offer? Maybe the lad just went to the disciples and Andrew was the spokesman for them. Andrew accepted the food-offering of the lad.

There is a YOUNG LAD ministry in the midst of God’s people . . . a ministry that has not been around very long . . . but they have just what is needed for hungry folks. The lunch for one looked rather small and Andrew’s spiritual approach wavered some as he declared (from his natural realm) that it didn’t look very much. This lad had received a packed lunch, probably from his mother who had some wisdom.


He had just FIVE BARLEY LOAVES and TWO FISH and was willing to share it. Whatever you have received from ‘Mother-Church’ in the way of nourishing food, please be prepared to give it away! This lad didn’t earn this lunch . . . GRACE (5) is a free gift that leads to victory in any situation. (Remember that GRACE is the God-given ability to DO the God-required act). The TWO FISH witness (2) that a life has been laid down so that others may be fed. The report declares that they were BARLEY loaves. Barley was one of the first crops to be harvested and that harvest was taken-in at the time of the Feast of Pentecost. Grace that brought you your salvation, has within it provision for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit etc.


Food is necessary for living and it is also necessary for growth. We get hungry and we eat. We never have to plan to get hungry! It just happens and the whole being gears up to see that need met. It is how we are made. However, the Church at large is undernourished and has forgotten what a feast is like . . . so most are just not really hungry for more. I’m just not being fed where I fellowship! Ever heard that line before? Then how about climbing the hill, coming up higher to where Jesus is speaking! His Spirit within you will meet your need. Your motive must be that you are hungering and thirsting after righteousness.


The disciples heard the next word from Jesus and now they passed on what they had heard with authority. We are told that there was a lot of GRASS in that place! (All flesh is as grass - Isaiah 40:6) “Sit down, please”. When one sits down, it is a picture that all self-effort has been removed. Check it out in Acts 1. God moved after Peter sat down!

As the men sat down the grass was covered up and Jesus could work his teaching into those who had ears to hear. Someone must have counted them! 5000 — the area of the Tabernacle,; Mark’s account said were in rows of 50 and 100 (5000=100X50). Moses’ Tabernacle was 100c X 50c. Here is a picture of the Tabernacle made without hands (Hebrews 9:11) was there on this hillside looking expectantly towards Christ — the Living Word — the Living Bread.



Jesus did not say grace before this meal! He thanked His Father that the answer to this situation was IN HIMSELF . . . not quite like Philip who had the right idea but went to the wrong arena. Jesus KNEW that Father was within Him (John 14:10, He had that sort of oneness with Father which could only end with Father manifesting His nature to the people. There was Father’s creative life that was going to feed this Tabernacle of hungry people.

Now Jesus, having joined the need with the Answer, broke the loaves and the fish and gave an equal amount to each of the twelve disciples. Peter (he usually gets picked on!) looks at his 1/6th of a sardine and just under half a tiny loaf and he hears the word of Jesus in his heart, ‘They have NO FOOD, feed them’. Being given that food and the instruction, he, along with the other eleven, moved out trusting the word of Jesus. As they gave away some bread and fish to the first person, it came again immediately in their hands. They gave it away — it came again and they gave it away, countless times — grace and a laid down life — the food kept on coming to them until all were filled.



This was no snack, Philip! These disciples learned an important lesson that the answer to the need was in CHRIST. They heard from the Lord and delivered the FOOD that came from Jesus; it increased enough for all these folk TO BE FILLED. The abundant supply left twelve baskets of fragments — one basket for each disciple to carry back to town as an object lesson that they would not forget. Nothing was wasted.

Disciples with BARLEY LOAVES and FISH plus the resource of God-Life within in lieu of their old life will feed the hungry in this hour. The GRACE-of-God-bread will truly dispel all dead works.

GIVE AWAY what you have received and as you lay down your life, He that is WITHIN will be released to MEET THE NEED. THERE IS FOOD ENOUGH when your heart is opened. Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it (Psalm 81:10).

Here is a little afterthought: The SEA produced the fish, the EARTH produced the bread and the HEAVEN produced the anointed Word, Jesus. All three realms of understanding come under His control.

The Lord spoke to me recently these words, ‘My people do not eat their crusts!’ Knowing my puzzlement, the Lord went on to ask me, ‘What else do you think My disciples picked up after these 5000+ were fed?’ The people took of the soft bread that didn’t need much chewing and dropped the crusts.

The (5) grace-loaves was the provision but the folk only received the grace for salvation; they refused the grace for the fullness of His working in and through them. Such provision includes all that we shall ever need to be changed into His image.§


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