Just-A-Thought No. 403  (April 11th. 2014)




It’s all ‘word’. God was WORD which is thought plus breath … thought is spirit and breath is spirit … so we are spirit=word creations. All He had to create with was ‘WORD’ and thus He put himself (Word) into that which He made.

Adam (= humanity) in the beginning was created a SPIRIT being … and this life was breathed into a body that was formed from earth and as such had an inbuilt gravity. In that body was the brain made up of two halves. Scientific research has discovered that the R.H. side of the brain is entrained/in harmony with the brain/intelligence of the heart where Bible says, Christ dwells and all believing is done (Rom.10:10). The L.H. side of the brain is constantly trying to usurp the throne (the heart) by its power of reasoning between good and evil, the earthy realm. . All choosing is evidence of duality. RH brain’s one voice of the Spirit lives in the ‘now’.

LH brain lives in what ‘was’ and what ‘might be!’

Are you a part of the visible expression of the invisible God from the heart ... which basically is the manifestation of the mind of Christ?  God said, My thoughts are not your thoughts… or are they?  This is why in our early days as a Christian, we gave our heart to the LORDSHIP of Christ...Didn’t we?

. One would expect to see the mind of Christ operating in the Body of Christ.   t.b.c.