Just-A-Thought No. 445 (December  18th. 2014)


(1 Corin.2:9)  But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man (therefore they are new), the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Those ‘things” are your stepping-stones into Kingdom mentality and reality training AND they are all new until experienced.. Our times are in Thy hand, O LOrd ... When your love of the Father is a 24-7 lifestyle, then your ears will be continuously open to His still small voice and your eyes will focus clearly on each step He requires of you as you fulfill your part in His Kingdom plan of blessings all families of the earth.

Turn off your mind and brain … it can no longer be useful … kingdom is a heart matter. The L.H. brain (which deals with what was and what might be) is now fully subservient to the R.H. brain (that deals with the now and spirit). You will no longer be double-minded (L.H. side trying to control one’s thinking and pushing into second place the R.H. side of spirit-ed thinking).

My thoughts are now His thoughts and my ways are now His ways as we manifest truly being one with our Father. The ‘King’ is on the throne of His Kingdom in us now.  Amen?  Hallelujah.


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