Just-A-Thought No. 460     (April 15th. 2015)


A refresher in speaking in tongues might be advantageous about now?

Speaking in tongues… speaking in the spirit ... The brain cannot understand your heavenly language and doesn’t have any insight. Your brain will try ‘everything’ to disrupt your heart-to-heart’ talking with your heavenly Father. Present-day cell phones just emphasize that we are prisoners to our brains. (notwithstanding they are a blessing too!).  We are, if not fully aware of Father’s presence and voice, in a 'cell' put there by our brain hence you readily depend on your cell phone with a ‘reasoning’ button! It is no wonder that speaking in the spirit brings release of heart-thoughts... and above all quietens you to hear God’s still small voice. [Reasoning is the deadly enemy of faith]. Bible declares there are over 15 reasons why God encourages each of us to speak in the spirit***.  It is then the heart listens in spite of the constant chatter from the brain.  Be still and know that I am God [no chattering]. I have discovered that speaking in tongues is the best of the listed gifts (1 Corinthians 12) *** for it contributes towards building up your faith needed to tune in on and experience all the remaining 8 gifts. (Remember love’ is not listed as a gift with all the others, for John tells us that it is the more excellent way or attitude).  STOP … FOCUS … LISTEN …THEN SPEAK LIFE TO ANOTHER.

*** Refer: (click on ... Speaking in Tongues

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