SHEILA’S [J-A-T] TIDBITS   No.10  …       (April 22nd.  2015)

I was reading Joshua 21:45.  There failed not ought of any GOOD THING which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel: ALL came  pass!  There's that smALL word again, ALL.  Also another GOOD THING’ (previous tidbit!)

I began to meditate on this and I recalled certain words that I have heard from our Father that have come to pass.  There are so many ways He speaks to us but no way thrills me more than to hear that still small voice.  When He speaks, although so quietly, it is loud enough to be heard over all the other thoughts and voices in our minds.  How wonderful that He does not have to shout to be heard.  When Jesus fed the 5000, I don't believe he shouted to them.  His normal quiet voice carried to ALL 5000 miraculously. (No electronics!)  I am reminded of the first time I heard a clear word.  It was quite loud to me for the Spirit used my voice box!  I had been lost in the Spirit Realm, speaking in the spirit (speaking in tongues), when suddenly I heard myself say, "You will have a child,  He will be a blessing."  I stopped speaking … I was flabbergasted!  Where did that come from?  We thought our family was complete with three children.  I shared this experience with Ray and we agreed we needed confirmation!!!.  In the next week, the Lord confirmed His word in many different ways and nine months later our third son Stephen was born and he is a blessing!  There are many ways the Father will make known His purpose to each of us! My desire (your’s too?) is to clearly hear His spoken voice for then I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that His Word shall surely come to pass.  Let us study to be quiet so we may hear.  Amen?