Daily Overcoming
Ray Prinzing
The Passing of our friend
Letter from
his wife Doris
"In all these things we are more than
conquerors through Him that loved us."
(Romans 8:37)
Daily Devotionals
January | February | March |
April | May | June |
July | August | September |
October | November | December |
Take my Life, and Let It Be
Consecrated, Lord, To Thee |
1. Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; Let them flow in ceaseless praise. | 4. Take my silver and my gold; Not a might would I withhold. Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose. |
2. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee. | 5. Take my will, and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own; It shall be Thy royal Throne. |
3. Take my voice, and let me sing, always, only for my King. Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee. | 6. Take my love; my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure-store. Take myself, and I will be ever, only all for Thee. |
With permission from Ray prior to his death, these daily devotionals were made available to the world due to a labor of love. The late Tammy Rudstrom, and her daughter, Barbara Rudstrom, typed them to their computer which made them available for posting to this site, of which we, and many others, have been blessed beyond measure and are very ever so grateful. His wife, Doris, has not asked for offerings; but if you are blessed by these devotionals, please be generous and send them to her at the address below. Thank you. -- Elwin R. Roach
Mrs. Doris Prinzing
Valley View Retirement Community