“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day
shall not come, except there come a falling away
first, that the man of sin may be revealed, the son
of perdition.” (2 Thess. 2:3)
With great desire we await the dawning of that new
day, when His kingdom shall be established in the
earth, and righteousness shall flourish in our land.
Hence one watches for the fulfillments of the signs
which point to the nearness of that time. Some signs
are negative, some positive.
“Come a falling away…” Literally, the apostasy, the
total desertion of principles or faith. Compromise
is the order of the day, lawlessness the spirit of
the times. We need not expand on this, it is
happening everywhere. Along with this “falling
away,” the man of sin must be revealed. But herein
lies the glorious truth, that wicked one cannot be
fully revealed until something else has also
happened. “And now ye know what withholdeth that he
might be revealed in his time.”(verse 6).
Withholdeth – literally, hold down. There is a
retraining force that holds the powers of hell at
bay, so that they cannot release their full scope of
power and havoc, until… ”For the mystery of iniquity
(lawlessness) doth already work: only he who now
letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.”
(verse 7).
Letteth – again the Greek word to “hold down,” or
restrain, thus the clementson trans. “there is one
who restraineth now, until he may become from the
midst.” Where King James Version gives “be taken
out” of the way, the Greek word is TO BECOME. Here
is the positive counterbalance to all the negativity
of the mystery of iniquity. There is that which is
BECOMING FROM THE MIDST, it is now in the process of
being formed and brought to maturity, and until it
has fully become, all else is held in restraint.
The “tares and the wheat” are both growing to
maturity, both in the process of becoming, and
though He will “gather first the tares,” yet the
final climax cannot occur until the SONS OF GOD HAVE
BECOME FROM THE MIDST. Present restraints are in
order for their protection, until God has finished
His work in them, and then shall the end of this age
be consummated.