“Holding the Head, from which all the body by joints
and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit
together, increaseth with the increase of God.”
(Col. 2:19)
There is a simplicity in the walk of the Believer,
when his eye is single to Christ alone, and he no
longer has the complications of duality, trying to
please men, and God, at the same time. There is a
holding fast to the Head, becoming one in His Will,
hearing His voice alone, and no more giving heed to
the voice of strangers.
We find a subtlety to deceptions and errors of the
day, until “if it were possible, they shall deceive
the very elect.” (Matt. 24:24). Any little form of
substitution that detracts from our singleness in
holding fast to the Head, is anti-christ. The Greek
word “anti” literally means INSTEAD OF, and if, at
any time, we accept an “instead of,” rather than His
will and Word to us, we have accepted that which is
anti-christ. Hence our desire to cleave unto the
Lord alone, and serve Him with our whole heart.
Deceivers continue to announce their visions and
dreams, telling of their special revelations and
doctrines, as they seek to build an hierarchy, with
usurped power and authority, claiming your
allegiance to their message. Moffatt Trans. (Col.
2:18-19). “Let no one lay down rules for you as he
pleases, with regard to fasting and any cult of
angels, presuming on his visions and inflated by his
sensuous notions, instead of keeping in touch with
that Head…”
Phillips, “Nor let any man cheat you of your joy in
Christ by persuading you to make yourselves humble
and fall down and worship[ angels. Such a man,
inflated by an unspiritual imagination, is pushing
his way into matters he knows nothing about, and in
his cleverness forgetting the Head. It is from the
Head alone that the body, by natural channels, is
nourished and built up and grows according to God’s
laws of growth.”
Holding fast unto the Head, this is our desire.
By His Spirit to be led, ever onward – higher.