“Being not without law to
God, but under the law to
Christ.” (1 Cor. 9:21)
Although Paul was not in
bondage to any man, seeking
to please man, for he was
the servant of Christ alone,
yet in his total devotion to
his Lord, he willingly gave
himself to be made servant
unto all, that he might win
them to Christ. To those who
were under the ritual of the
law and ceremony, he could,
for their sake, limit his
actions to the confines of
their law, so as not to
offend them, but rather to
win them – then share with
them a more excellent way.
Then Paul also stated that
to those who were without
law, he could be as without
law – that is, not bound by
all the rigidity of carnal
commandments, nor
circumvented by the signs
and symbols which pointed to
a greater reality. But then
Paul made this qualifying
statement, that though he
could appear to be without
law, nevertheless he was
“not without law to God” for
he was definitely “under the
law to Christ.”
The law of the anointing was
the order for his life.
Being led by the Spirit, to
walk in the Spirit and not
fulfill the lusts of the
flesh. While there is
tremendous freedom in this
walk – free from man-made
bondages and yokes of the
flesh, yet he never used
this liberty as an occasion
to fulfill the lust of the
flesh. The law of the
anointing kept him in a
circumspect path.
Anarchy means no law and
order, only gross confusion
and disorder. Such was the
time in Israel when “in
those days there was no king
in Israel, but every man did
that which was right in his
own eyes.” (Judges 17:6).
This does not make for peace
and tranquility in the land,
for “there is a way that
seemeth right unto a man,
but the end thereof are the
ways of death.” (Prov.
16:25). “O Lord, I know that
the way of man is not in
himself: it is not in man
that walketh to direct his
steps.” (Jer. 10:23).
Thus, while grace certainly
makes us free, and we are no
longer under the laws of
ritual and ceremony,
precepts of men, do this,
don’t do that, we are most
definitely “UNDER LAW TO
CHRIST.” That the anointing
of His Spirit might be our
guide, enabling us to
overcome each day.