Learning To Wait
by Ray Prinzing
"If ye abide in Me,
and My words abide in
you, ye shall ask what
ye will, and it shall be
done unto
(John 15:7)
Abiding does not
indicate a feverish
activity, nor does it
indicate a passive
state, it is simply a
state of being of living
in Him," There is a
beautiful example in the
record of Mary and
Martha. (Luke
10:38-42). Mary sat at
His feet, to hear and
receive what He had to
say. Martha was
troubled about doing,
while Mary was abiding.
For all of Martha's
strenuous activity, she
did not hear a word of
what the Master taught
Mary. Methinks, that
some people get so
involved in their
religious labours that
they know less of the
mind and purpose of God
for this day, the harder
they work in their
programs. If our
occupying is in harmony
with abiding and waiting
upon the Lord, then our
understanding will be
developed progressively,
and we shall truly
"grow in grace and in
the knowledge of our
Lord and Saviour, Jesus
One day Simeon "came
by the Spirit into the
temple," (Luke
2:27) and saw the child
Jesus, and recognized
that this was the
Salvation of the Lord.
We specifically note the
word "by" from a Greek
word translated three
ways, in, with, and by,
He did not start his
abiding after he came
into the temple, but he
came WITH the Spirit, IN
The Spirit, and By the
Spirit, thus his abiding
was continuous. Had the
God of Israel purposed
for him to have met Mary
and the child Jesus on
the steps of the temple,
he would still have
known it was the
Salvation of the Lord,
for location did not
alter his abiding.
"The upright shall
dwell in Thy presence."
(Psalm 140:3).
Thus, abiding implies a
fixedness in our
position and
relationship with God.
Most of man's
wishy-washiness is not
in his activity, but in
his thinking. "A
double minded man is
unstable in all his
ways." (James
1:8). One day he is
sure he is in the will
of the Lord, the next
day he questions it.
Such instability
disrupts the abiding.
There is need today to
learn to dwell in His
presence, to know that
"Lo, I am with you
always," both in
God's being with us, and
that we are with Him,
for "in Him we live,
and move, and have our
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