“And they continued daily
with one accord in the
temple, and breaking bread
from house to house, did eat
their meat with gladness and
singleness of heart.” (Acts
Divided affections will
destroy your gladness. But
there is something else to
be noted here and that is
the linking together of the
temple and eating bread in
the house, at home. This was
not as two separate lives,
but daily living in
singleness of heart. Some
would call the temple part,
spiritual; and having dinner
at home, secular. But such
is not making a contrast, it
is making confusion. When
there is singleness of heart
all the way, twenty-four
hours a day, both the temple
worship and the dinner meal
at home are one continuous
life before the Lord, lived
in gladness. I dare say, I
have seen some meals which
were far more “spiritual”
than some money-raising,
carnal entertaining sessions
in the temple. But where
there is singleness of
heart, with Christ
pre-eminent in all we do and
say, there is no division of
spiritual and secular, it is
all one life, HIS.
One can be just as spiritual
digging ditches, mowing the
lawn, washing clothes, as
they are in singing His
praises in the temple. It is
a state of being, a
condition of the heart,
which is single to God at
all times.
“For our rejoicing is this,
the testimony of our
conscience, that in
simplicity and godly
sincerity, not with fleshly
wisdom, but by the grace of
God, we have had our
conversation (behaviour) in
the world, and more
abundantly to you-ward.” (2
Cor. 1:12).
What a testimony of the
conscience, to know that
one’s behaviour in the world
is not a masquerade, not
trying to appear spiritual,
nor appear worldly
sophisticated, but in godly
sincerity and singleness of
heart, living before the
world, or before other
Christians, the grace of God
to control one’s behaviour
all the way. A consistent
expression of HIS LIFE,
because “whatsoever ye do,
ye do it heartily, as to the
Lord, and not unto men.”
(Col. 3:23). The message is
clear, we desire only to
exalt Him.
Ray Prinzing |