“Because Thy lovingkindness
is better than life, my lips
shall praise Thee.” (psalm
The writer to the Hebrews
offered many contrasts, as
the lesser would give way to
the better, the “in part” be
swallowed up into the whole,
the earthy be replaced with
the heavenly, the natural
with the spiritual, etc.
“For the law made nothing
perfect, but the bringing in
of a better hope; by the
which we draw nigh to God.”
(Heb. 7:1). The hope of the
New Testament, the new and
better, stronger, more
powerful than the limited
hope of the law, that 2 Cor.
3, gives the contrast of the
law being a ministration of
condemnation unto death, and
the new covenant a
ministration of
righteousness excelling in
glory unto LIFE.
“By so much more (the oath
of Melchisedec priesthood)
Jesus was made surety of a
better testament.” (Heb.
7:22). There was a
priesthood for the first
testament, covenant, which
priesthood was constantly
being changed as the priest
grew old and died. Thus
whatever real ministry was
progressing through a
certain priest, it suddenly
came to a halt when he died,
and had to be started over
with the next priest raised
up. But Jesus Christ became
the surety, the guarantee of
a BETTER, stronger, more
powerful testament because
HE EVER LIVETH, and would be
able to both initiate and
finish His task. Thus He is
both the “Author and the
Finisher” of our salvation.
The “testament” could be no
greater than the one who was
able to carry it out.
“Now hath He (Jesus)
obtained a more excellent
ministry, by now much also
He is mediator of a BETTER
covenant, which was
established upon BETTER
promises.” Better hope,
better testament, better
covenant, better promises –
and there are many others
listed in Hebrews. The
promises are based upon what
God will do, not man, hence
their fulfillment is secure.
In fact, God goes so far as
to make the promise for both
himself and the people,
under this better covenant,
when He says, “I WILL be to
them a God, and THEY SHALL
be to Me a people.” (Heb.
8:10). And so it shall be!
Ray Prinzing |