“And the captain of the
Lord’s host said to Joshua,
Loose thy shoe from off thy
foot; for the place whereon
thou standest is holy. And
Joshua did so.” (Joshua
Having our shoes on typifies
a number of things, not all
bad, by any means, but there
is a time and place for all
things. As Israel was about
to depart from Egypt, they
were to eat the Passover
with “your loins girded,
your shoes on your feet, and
your staff in you hand.”
(Ex. 12:11). This bespoke a
readiness, a preparedness to
move out at the proper time.
But, this followed the
experience of Moses who had
already removed his shoes
and spent time in communion
with God, to receive God’s
direction, and make sure
that His presence would go
with them. Then when we do
go out to do His bidding, it
won’t be with our old shoes,
but “shod with the
preparation of the gospel of
peace.” (Eph. 6:15).
Shoes are made of many
things. Leather,
representing the animal
nature, or flesh. Even
though sacrificed to get the
leather, God says, “Bring no
more vain oblation.” He does
not want our flesh, even
that offered up in good
works, but He desires a
broken and contrite spirit.
Felt - which is wool and
hair pressed together. But
we must cast off the many
pressures of the world about
us, if we would feel and be
sensitive to His presence,
hear His voice, be led by
Him throughout the day.
Plastic – definitely a
man-made synthetic material.
Greek, “plastos” and meaning
“shaped, formed” and the
root for our English word
plastic, is used in II Peter
2:3, “with feigned words
make merchandise of you.”
Plastic words, not true
words, but words formed and
shaped into trite phrases
and empty platitudes, making
just the right appeal,
alluring and captivating, as
they build their kingdoms.
Certainly a shoe to be put
off, that we might worship
Him in spirit and in TRUTH.
Furthermore, as we remove
all these hindrances to our
sensitive walk with the
Spirit, we shall discover
that the very ground on
which we stand is holy,
because He is there with us.
Praise God!