“A wise man’s heart
discerneth both time and
judgment. Because to every
purpose there is time and
judgment…” (Eccl. 8:5-6)
With a humanistic approach
we tend to view everything
in terms of the grand and
glorious hour of climax, and
tend to forget the day by
day “moments” which are
equally important and
God-directed. Here is real
discernment, to know the
difference between “time”
and “judgment.” The former
speaks of the process, the
latter of the climax. Many
people want the spectacular
hour of judgment, and try to
bring it into the middle of
the process time, but this
would only cause confusion
and mix up the process, were
men able to control the
judgment hours. Thank God,
man cannot do this, but the
Father “hath committed all
judgment unto the Son.”
(John 5:22). He sovereignly
holds all the times and
seasons in His hand.
True, when we are brought to
the fullness of sonship,
mature and ONE IN CHRIST,
then shall we also partake
of the stewardship of the
fullness of times, “to
execute…the judgments
written: this honour have
all His saints.” (Ps.
149:9). But long before that
day, we will have learned to
discern the present times,
and be obedient to fulfill
His will for us in present
The Greek word for
“judgment” is “krisis” from
which we get our English
word “crisis,” which is
actually a climactic turning
point, that critical moment
when a change must occur. We
rejoice to know that all of
God’s judgments become a
crisis, a corrective change
for restoration unto full
victory. Out of every crisis
comes the moment for a new
life to be born. The Chinese
language expresses this
beautifully. The written
character in Chinese for the
word crisis is made up of
two symbols: one which
stands for danger and one
which stands for
opportunity. Because GOD
controls our “judgments,” He
not only brings us to this
critical hour, to end all
the old order of self and
its pursuits, but He also
turns it into the hour of
rebirth, leading us into new
realms of His life and
victory. But He has also
controlled all of our times,
our processing’s, which
brought us to that momentous
turning point.