“God, willing to shew His
wrath, and to make His power
known, endured with much
longsuffering the vessels of
wrath fitted to destruction:
and that He might make known
the riches of His glory on
the vessels of mercy, which
He had afore prepared unto
glory.” (Rom. 9:22-23)
Vessels of mercy and vessels
of wrath, both prepared and
fitted for His purpose. He
will demonstrate the grace
and glory of those who are
one in Christ, surrendered
to His will, filled with His
life. And show forth that
loss which is suffered by
those who follow the
perverted path of their own
self-will. One path leads to
highest gain, and one to
utter loss. Yet when God has
finished His purpose, all
loss shall be turned to
gain, all evil abolished,
while God shall be all in
all. It is, therefore, a
demonstration that is
limited to “TIME,” and is
not in any sense “eternal”
as some erroneous doctrines
“The Lord hath made all for
Himself; yea, even the
wicked for the day of evil.”
(Prov. 16:4).
“For says the scripture to
Pharoah, into this same
thing I raised out thee, so
that I might shew in thee My
power, and so that should be
declared My name in all the
earth.” (Rom. 9:17,
Pharoah, a vessel of wrath,
hardened, made stubborn and
unyielding of heart, by the
will of God, to fulfill His
purpose in the demonstration
of His power, that through
these events HIS NAME would
be declared in all the
earth, as people told and
re-told what happened to the
Egyptians, and how God
wrought for Israel. There
was no god like unto
Israel’s God, who could do
such great things. Amazing
that God can use a vessel of
wrath and accomplish such a
great work, when many
so-called Christians cannot
even witness to His Name.
Man is always prone to
attribute God’s wrath to the
vessel, when it is his sin
that becomes the object of
His wrath, while He purposes
to ultimately redeem the
vessel itself. Vessels
marred in the hand of the
Potter shall be made into
new vessels by His grace.
Praise God!
Ray Prinzing |